
admin2020-02-10  27

问题     义和利,貌似相反,实则相通。“义”要求人献身抽象的社会实体,“利”驱使人投身世俗的物质利益,两者都无视人的心灵生活,遮蔽了人的真正的“自我”。“义”教人奉献,“利”诱人占有,前者把人生变成了一次义务的履行,后者把人生变成一场权利的争夺,殊不知人生的真价值是超乎义务和权利之外的。义和利都脱不开计较,所以,无论义师讨伐叛臣,还是利欲支配众生,人与人之间的关系总是紧张。


答案 Indeed, righteousness and gain, seemingly poles apart, have much essence in common. Righteousness calls for a devotion to the whole society while gain drives one to pursue material interests. In both cases, one’s disposition is overlooked and his true "self concealed. "Righteousness" teaches one to give while "gain" induces one to take. The former turns one’s life into a process of fulfilling endless obligations while the latter breeds a life-long scramble for wealth and power. We must remember, however, the true value of life is beyond obligations and power. Both righteousness and gain are yoked by calculating minds. That’s why we often find ourselves in a tense interpersonal relationship whether Mr. Righteousness is commanding or Mr. Gain controlling.

解析 背景介绍
-  义和利,貌似相反,实则相通:这里的“义”指正义,“利”指利益,分别译为righteousness和gain,译文为:Indeed,righteousness and gain,seemingly poles apart,have much essence in common.
-  “义”要求人献身抽象的社会实体,  “利”驱使人投身世俗的物质利益:此句中的“社会实体”和“投身世俗”在翻译时可以转换词性;本句是义与利的比较,可以使用“…while…”的句式。译文为:Righteousness calls for a devotion to the whole society while gain drives one to pursue material interests.
-  前者把人生变成了一次义务的履行,后者把人生变成一场权利的争夺:“前者”和“后者”分别对应“the former”和“the latter”,这句译为“The former turns one’s life into a process of fulfilling endless obligations while the latter breeds a life-long scramble for wealth and power, ”译文中的endless和life-long为增译成分,但增词不增义,表示对“义”和“利”的追求永无止境,因此,更全面、直观地表达了原文的含义。
-  义和利都脱不开计较:这句话意为不管是义还是利都有各自的算计。原文中的“脱不开”可用yoke一词来表达“束缚”的意思,“计较”可具体化,译为calculating minds,参考译文:Both righteousness and gain are yoked by calculating minds.
-  所以,无论义师讨伐叛臣,还是利欲支配众生,人与人之间的关系总是紧张:这句话是典型的中国文人的“春秋笔法”,作者借用“义师”、“叛臣”等虚构形象来表达“义”和“利”对人的支配。翻译时,应当化实为虚,使译文更通俗易懂。译文为:That’s why we often find ourselves in a tense interpersonal relationship whether Mr.Righteousness is commanding or Mr.Gain controlling.
