
admin2018-07-29  24

问题     美术工作者大都喜欢桥,我每到一地总要寻桥。桥,多么美!“小桥流水人家”,固然具诗境之美,其实更偏于绘画的形式美;人家房屋,那是块面;流水,那是长线、曲线,线与块面组成了对比美;桥与流水相交,更富有形式上的变化,同时也是线与面之间的媒介,它是沟通线、面间形式转变的桥!如果煞它风景,将江南水乡或威尼斯的石桥拆尽,虽然绿水依旧绕人家,但彻底摧毁了画家眼中的结构美,摧毁了形式美。


答案 On the subject of beauty, an image of " a small bridge, a creek and a cottage" is more of a picture than a poem: the cottage represents planes while the creek stands for the lines and curves, and beauty emerges from the contrast. The bridge intersects the creek, leading to more variations in forms. Meanwhile, it serves as the medium of communication between lines and planes and helps with the change between them! A less desirable situation is that if all stone bridges in Venice or water towns beside Yangtze River were taken down, even clear rivers remain around the little cottages, the beauty in structure and form in the eyes of painters will all disappear.

解析 1.画线部分第一句较长,可切分为四个分句翻译“‘小桥流水人家’……形式美”为第一个分句;两个分号处分别为第二个和第三个分句;“桥与流水相交……转变的桥!”为第四个分句。其中,第一个分句的翻译重在理解原文。“小桥流水人家”是一首诗歌,更是一幅图画,所展现出来的是诗境之美,更是形式美。“小桥流水人家”可译为an image of“a small bridge,a creek and a cottage”,第一句话整句所谈论的是不同种类的美,所以开头部分增译了短语On the subject of beauty,“固然……更偏于……”译为is more of…。第二个分句和第三个分句可合译。本句中出现两处“是”,翻译时不宜重复,可分别译为represents和stands for,“线与块面组成了对比美”翻译时可变化句子结构,译为beauty emerges from the contrast。第四个分句翻译时可拆分成两句。先译“桥与流水相交,更富有形式的变化”,再译“桥沟通了线、面间形式的转变”。其中“更富有形式上的变化”可译为leading to more variations in forms,“线与面之间的媒介”可翻译为it serves as the medium of communication between lines and planes。
2.画线部分第二句中,“煞它风景”可意译为A less desirable situation is that…;“江南水乡”指长江三角洲地区的村庄小镇,可译为water towns beside Yangtze River,“拆尽”可使用短语take down,“绿水依旧绕人家”可译为clear rivers remain around the little cottages。
