The collapse of belief we have been witnessing throughout the twentieth century comes with globalism. The postmodern condition i

admin2016-09-27  85

问题 The collapse of belief we have been witnessing throughout the twentieth century comes with globalism. The postmodern condition is not an artistic movement or a cultural fad or an intellectual theory—although it produces all of those and is in some ways defined by them. It is what inevitably happens as people everywhere begin to see that there are many beliefs, many kinds of belief, and many ways of believing. Postmodernism is globalism: it is the half-discovered shape of the one unity that transcends all our differences. In a global—and—globalizing—era, all of the old structures of political reality, all the old ways of saying who we are and what we are for and what we are against, seem to be melting away into air. How to have an identity in such a world? Nationalism becomes semi-obsolete before it even completes its conquest; national governments everywhere are challenged from front and rear, past and future. They are forced to do battle against pre-modern tribal and ethnic identities even as they resist the threats to their fragile sovereignties that are posed by international organizations and movements and economic forces. The weaker national sovereignty is as an absolute principle, the less secure we are in defining ourselves according to national citizenship.(approximately 211 words)


答案 整个二十世纪,随着全球化的出现,我们一直在目睹着信仰的崩塌。后现代境况不是艺术运动,不是文化时尚,也不只是知识理论,尽管它造就了这些现象,而这些现象从某种意义上说,又赋予了它自己的特征。人们一旦认识到人类可以有不同的信仰、不同种类的信仰以及不同的信仰方式,后现代就是不可避免的了。后现代主义就是全球主义:它超越了我们所有的分歧,但它只是若隐若现。在一个越来越全球化的时代,所有政治现实的旧结构,所有表达我们是谁、表达我们是非立场的旧方法似乎都在空气中灰飞烟灭了。怎样才能在这样的一个世界里保持自我呢?民族主义还没来得及完成自己的征服使命就已经要被淘汰了,世界各地的民族政府都面临着过去的势力和未来的势力的挑战。他们不得不与还带有前现代特征的部落和民族团体做斗争,他们还要抵抗国际组织和国际运动以及经济势力带来的威胁。国家主权作为一个绝对的原则越是衰弱,我们用国家公民的概念来明确自己的身份就越不可靠。

