When you get interrupted in the middle of something, it can be hard to regain your train of thought, which can be annoying. But

admin2022-10-25  40

问题     When you get interrupted in the middle of something, it can be hard to regain your train of thought, which can be annoying. But when you’re interrupted while measuring medication for patients, the consequences can be more serious. A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine finds that, perhaps unsurprisingly, when interrupted while dosing out medication, nurses are more likely to make mistakes.
    Researchers at the University of Sydney studied 98 nurses while they prepared and administered medications to more than 4,000 patients in almost 1.5 years. For a total of 505 hours during this period, investigators noted any interruptions that nurses encountered while dealing with medication, and also tracked two types of mistakes: procedural, which included things like not reading medication labels or failing to fully read a patient chart, and clinical, which included actually giving patients the wrong dose or wrong medication.
    For all administrations of medication studied, researchers noted that nurses were interrupted more than half the time (53%), and researchers noted procedural errors in nearly three quarters (74.4%) of administrations, and clinical errors in a quarter of all cases. The study authors also point out that the risk for major errors increased significantly the more when nurses were interrupted and that with no interruptions, the risk for a serious mistake was 2.3%.
    While it’s understandable that some interruptions will, of necessity, take place during a nurse’s work day, the authors suggest that such high levels of interruption and the resulting increase in errors associated with them point to a need for efforts to better enable nurses to focus on the task at hand. They write: "The converging evidence of the high rate of interruptions occurring during medication preparation and administration adds impetus to the need to develop and implement strategies to improve communication practices and to reduce unnecessary interruptions within ward environments."
    To that end, they suggest that simple measures such as installing white boards in hospital wards to prominently display commonly needed information or having nurses wear special "do not interrupt" vests while preparing or giving patients medication, could go some distance toward minimizing mistakes. They also suggest that reconsidering how the physical space of a hospital ward is organized could play a role in reducing errors. Whatever the potential solution, the authors say that this is indeed a problem, and one that requires additional research to solve.
According to the first paragraph, when interrupted nurses become ________.

选项 A、mistake-free
B、less skilled
C、more error-prone
D、very annoyed


解析 根据题干可直接定位到第一段。其中第三句提到,一项新的研究发现,护士在配药时被打断更容易出错,该句中的be likely to表示“倾向于,更可能”,C项中的prone与此语义一致,故确定C项为正确答案。该段第三句明确提到了“护士在被打扰的情况下,更容易犯错”,A项与此相矛盾,故排除。第一段没有提及与less skilled相关的内容,且造成护士犯错的原因是被干扰了,与本身的技能无关,故B项错误。原文首句末尾的which call be annoying指的就是前面When引导的从句中提到的“做事时中途被打断”这种情况,而you在文中表泛指,指的是任何人,故可知D项说的是一般人思路被打断时的反应,与题干问的护士无关。
