诚镇化进程(urbanization process)是指由农业为主的乡村社会向以工业和服务业为主的城市社会逐渐转变的历史过程。作为一种社会现象和历史现象,城镇化既体现了物质文明的进步,也促进了精神文明的发展。改革开放以来,中国逐步放开了对人口流动的控制,

admin2017-10-18  2

问题     诚镇化进程(urbanization process)是指由农业为主的乡村社会向以工业和服务业为主的城市社会逐渐转变的历史过程。作为一种社会现象和历史现象,城镇化既体现了物质文明的进步,也促进了精神文明的发展。改革开放以来,中国逐步放开了对人口流动的控制,大量的农村劳动力涌向城市。近年来,中国的城镇化进程逐渐加快。截止到2012年末,中国的城镇人口总数达到7.12亿,城镇化率超过了50%。中国城镇化发展还将持续几十年,将产生巨大的住宅需求和基础设施建设(infrastructure construction)需求。


答案 The urbanization process refers to a historical process in which the agriculture-based rural society is gradually transformed into the urban society dominated by industry and service. As a social and historical phenomenon, urbanization embodies the advancement of material civilization and stimulates the development of spiritual civilization. Since the reform and opening-up, China has gradually released its control on population flow, thus a large number of rural labor swarm into the cities. In recent years, the urbanization process in China has been accelerated gradually. By the end of 2012, China had a total urban population of 712 million and the urbanization rate exceeded 50%. Urbanization in China will continue for decades, which will create immense demand in housing and infrastructure construction.

解析 1.第一句的定语“由农业为主的乡村社会向以工业和服务业为主的城市社会逐渐转变的”很长,可处理成which引导的定语从句,修饰“历史过程”a historical process。其中的“逐渐转变”可使用被动语态,译为…is gradually transformed into…:“以工业和服务业为主的城市社会”的修饰语较长,可采用过去分词作后置定语,译为the urban society dominated by industry and service。
2.“作为一种社会历史现象”可使用“介词as+名词短语”结构,译作As a social and historical phenomenon,置于句首。
