青海是中国西北部的一个省份。平均海拔3000米以上,大部分地区为高山和高原。青海省得名于全国最大的咸水湖青海湖。青海湖被誉为“中国最美的湖泊”,是最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,也是摄影师和艺术家的天堂。 青海山川壮丽,地大物博。石油和天然气储量丰富,省内许多城市

admin2022-08-27  116

问题 青海是中国西北部的一个省份。平均海拔3000米以上,大部分地区为高山和高原。青海省得名于全国最大的咸水湖青海湖。青海湖被誉为“中国最美的湖泊”,是最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,也是摄影师和艺术家的天堂。


答案Qinghai is a province in northwestern China with an average altitude of more than 3000 meters and most areas of the province are high mountains and plateaus. The province is named after Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in China. Known as the most beautiful lake in China, Qinghai Lake is one of the most popular tourist attractions and a paradise for photographers and artists. Qinghai features magnificent landscapes, vast territory as well as abundant oil and natural gas resources. The oil and natural gas industry has given impetus to the substantial economic growth of many cities within the province. Qinghai is especially renowned for its rich water resources. It serves as the head stream of China’s three major rivers, namely the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River, playing a vital role in China’s water ecosystem.

解析 1. 通读段落,准确理解。通过通读段落,可以明确本段介绍了青海省的概况。包括对地理位置、青海湖、自然资源和水资源的介绍。
2. 分析句子,拆分意群。翻译时可使用TT翻译法来分析句子,应先提主干,再调语序。翻译第一句时,可以将“平均海拔3000米以上”翻译为with引导的介词短语。“大部分地区为高山和高原”既可以像参考译文那样,处理为and连接的并列句,也可以处理为定语从句,与第一个分句合并翻译,译为“with an average altitude of more than 3000 meters,Qinghai is a province in northwestern China which is dominated by high mountains and plateaus. ”。第二句中,“全国最大的咸水湖”用来修饰“青海湖”,可以像参考译文那样,翻译为Qinghai Lake的同位语,也可以处理为定语从句。第三句中的三个分句为并列成分,可以像参考译文那样,将第一个分句处理为分词结构,将后两个分句译为and连接的句子。还可以将第一个分句翻译为主句,将后两个分句处理为定语从句,即“Qinghai Lake is known as the most beautiful lake in China which is one of the most popular tourist attractions and the heaven for photographers and artists. ”。第四句比较长,可以将前三个介绍青海自然资源的分句合并翻译,将“省内许多城市的经济……发展”单独成句。翻译后半部分时,可以像参考译文那样以“石油和天然气工业”为主语,也可以以“省内许多城市的经济”为主语,使用被动句式,即“The economy of many cities with in the province has been greatly developed under the impetus of the oil and natural gas industry. ”。翻译第五句时,可以将第一个分句译为一句,将后两个分句合并翻译,也可以将第一个分句译为主句,第二个分句译为定语从句,第三个分句译为结果状语。即“Qinghai is especially renowned for its rich water resources. It serves as the head stream of China’s three major rivers, namely the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River, playing a vital role in China’s water ecosystem.”。
3. 选词敲意,组合译文。根据句子和意群分别确定其对应的英文,然后组合译文。第一句中,“海拔”可译为altitude或elevation。第二句中,“得名于”可用be named after/get one’s name from表示。翻译第三句时,“被誉为”可以译为be known/honored/praised/hailed/reputed/considered as;“天堂”可译为paradise/heaven。第四句中的“山川壮丽”可以译为magnificent landscapes/breathtaking mountains and rivers;“地大物博”可译为vast territory and abundant resources;“储量丰富”可译为abundant resources/rich reserves;“长足发展”可译substantial development/significant development。第五句中,“尤”可译为especially或particularly;“以……而闻名”可译为be renowned/well. known/famous for;“发源地”可译为head stream/source;“水生态”可译为water ecosystem或water ecology;“发挥着重要作用”可译为play a vital role/play an important role/play a crucial role。
4. 检查译文,适当调整。注意中英文在表达方式上的差异,检查时态、语态、单复数、大小写、单词拼写、标点符号等内容,最终确定译文。
