What’s the main idea of the passage?

admin2018-06-30  39

问题 What’s the main idea of the passage?
Like people who share news via Twitter, Facebook and Linkedln, cells, too, make use of multiple modes of information exchange. Some send out hormones, which travel far and wide via the bloodstream; others emit neurotransmitters, which carry signals between one neuron and another. But virtually all cells network with their neighbors via extensive collections of channels that directly connect the inside of one cell with the inside of the next.
Planets are a little like dogs: they all belong to the same general group, but they look so different you can’t always tell. That’s especially true of the gas giants in the outer solar system, like Jupiter, and the lapdogs closer in, like Mars. This year, two NASA spacecrafts going to those two planets will help answer the question of how such different kinds of celestial bodies came to be.

选项 A、It is a gas planet in the solar system.
B、It shares some qualities with lapdogs.
C、It is closer to the sun than Mars.
D、It will be explored by NASA to find life.


解析 今年NASA将研究外太阳系的两大行星Jupiter和Mars,讲话者多次使用这两个词的上义词,如planet,celestial bodies,而且,讲话者用上义词“the gas giants in the outer solar system”来指Jupiter,由此可知Jupiter是外太阳系的气态巨行星。NASA,美国国家航空航天局,成立于1958年,其前身是美国国家航空咨询委员会(NACA)。NASA是行政性科研机构,负责制定、实施美国的民用太空计划并开展航空科学、太空科学的研究。Mars,“火星”,太阳系八大行星之一,是太阳系由内往外数的第四颗行星,属于类地行星。Jupiter,“木星”,太阳系八大行星中体积最大、自转最快的行星,从内向外数的第五颗行星。木星是一个气态巨行星。lapdogs,“宠物狗”,“哈巴狗”。
