
admin2019-07-04  35

问题     中国作为一个发展中国家,很自然十分关心发展中国家在世界经济中所处的困境。许多事实证明,北南关系不是朝着更好的方向发展,而是趋于进一步的恶化。因此,改善北南关系就成为所有国家的一项重要任务。目前,北南之间的差距进一步扩大,富的更富,穷的更穷。许多发展中国家人民正生活在贫困线之下,发达国家有责任给发展中国家以更多的帮助,并同意在平等互利、平等交换的基础上,建立一个新的国际经济秩序。


答案As a developing country, China is naturally concerned about the predicament of the developing countries in the world economy. Numerous facts show that the North-South relations are going to deteriorate further instead of turning for the better. Therefore, the improvement of the North-South relations has become an important task for all countries. At present the gap between the North and the South is widening, with the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer. The people of many developing countries are living below the poverty line. The developed countries have the responsibility to give more help to the developing countries, and to agree to the establishment of a new international economic order based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of equal values. In the present-day world, there is even more inter-dependence among countries. Developed countries will find it difficult to maintain their economic growth if developing countries long remain in difficulties and their economies cannot move ahead. It is an urgent task in the international economic sphere to improve, by effective measures, the external environment of developing countries in such fields as commodity, trade, debt, capital, currency and finance. This will contribute not only to resuming growth of developing countries, but also the stability and growth of the world e-conomy.

