进入21世纪,发达国家所面临的共同问题,不是缺资金,而是缺人才;不是缺最新的资讯,而是缺最新的知识。 “知识”变成了一个国家是否进步的关键因素。把相关的知识系统地运用到经济活动中,现在泛称为“知识经济”。唯有通过外在的教育与学习,浩瀚的资讯才可能变

admin2015-11-27  47

问题     进入21世纪,发达国家所面临的共同问题,不是缺资金,而是缺人才;不是缺最新的资讯,而是缺最新的知识。


答案Entering the 21st Century, the developed countries are facing a common problem: shortage of talent, not funds, and lack of the latest knowledge, not the latest information. Knowledge has become a crucial factor in the progress of a country. The systematic application of relevant knowledge to economy makes what we now generally call "knowledge-based economy". Only through education and training, which people receive from outside, can the huge volume of information be turned into systematic knowledge. Knowledge, as a factor of production, is as old as land and labor. However, it is the fast growth and drastic changes of modern knowledge and its integration with economy, industries, science, technology and innovation that lead to the domination of "knowledge-based economy" in world today.

解析 1.第一段是个长句,可用顺译法。其中几个动词词组“缺资金”“缺人才”“缺最新的资讯”及“缺最新的知识”都应转译为名词词组。“不是缺资金,而是缺人才”和“不是缺最新的资讯,而是缺最新的知识”强调的都是后者,因此翻译时需调整语序。
3.第二段第二句中的“知识经济”通常译为knowledge economy或knowledge-based economy。
4.第二段第三句可直接顺译,“唯有通过”可译为only through,由于only置于句首,因此后面一句要用倒装语序。
5.第三段第一句想要强调的是“知识”而不是“生产因素”的“古老”,因此句子的主干应当是Knowledge is as old as land and labor,而as a factor of production则作为次要的插入成分。
