What did the study mentioned in the passage focus on?

admin2022-03-08  26

问题 What did the study mentioned in the passage focus on?
If you have an addiction, new research might give you the incentive you need to kick the habit. The American Addiction Centers has released a study of what it costs over five years to a lifetime if you habitually abuse substances from nicotine and alcohol to cocaine, opioids and methamphetamines.
    And the numbers are sobering. A nicotine addiction costs an estimated $4,628 over five years and $23,142 over 25 years. The study compared what that money could have gone to instead, including a down payment toward a median priced home, an average priced car or tuition towards a bachelor’s degree.
    The numbers are even more stark for the cost of an alcohol addiction. For a beer drinker, the money spent could amount to $14,235 over five years or $71,175 over 25 years. For liquor, abusers can sink $28,101 over five years and $140,504 over 25 years.
    Heroin, oxycodone and cocaine were found to be the three most expensive habits, with each costing more than $1 million over a 50-year time period. Heroin, the most expensive, cost an estimated $318,500 over five years and $1.59 million over 25 years.
    While the numbers are staggering, they are only a conservative estimate, according to Dr. Lawrence Weinstein, chief medical officer at American Addiction Centers. That is because the study assumes a person uses the same amount of a substance such as alcohol over 5, 10, 15 and 25 years, he said. But people usually increase the amount they use over time. "If one starts with four drinks, it never continues with four drinks over 25 years," Weinstein said. "It’s going to be five, six, seven, eight and so forth."
    The study’s analysis of costs is just scratching the surface, Weinstein said. That is because those who have addictions often have difficulty successfully staying employed. And their substance abuse issues may exacerbate other health conditions, such as diabetes. Insurance costs, such as life and long-term-care coverage, are also more expensive if you have a chemical dependency, said Carolyn McClanahan, founder and director of financial planning at Life Planning Partners.

选项 A、It revealed that most habits have adverse effects on people’s life.
B、The result is so striking that it may encourage people to quit such abuses.
C、It stated that the expenses for a nicotine addiction can equal an average priced car.
D、The statistics are not accurate because there are other factors to be taken into account.


解析 事实细节的找寻与推断。根据原文“new research might give you the incentive you need to kick the habit”和“the numbers are sobering”以及“the numbers are staggering”等可知,体现该研究的数据结果惊人并且有令人警醒的效果,选项B与之相符。根据“A nicotine addiction costs…The study compared what that money could have gone to instead, including a down payment toward a median priced home, an average priced car…”可知,该研究将尼古丁上瘾的花费对照其他类型的花费,其中包括一辆中等价格的车,选项C与之相符。根据原文“they are only a conservative estimate”可知,研究数据只是保守估计,从下文可知,该实验未将上瘾程度的加重体现在数据中,因此选项D所述,由于研究有其他因素需要考虑在内,所以得到的不是精确的数据,表述正确。选项A中,论述对象“most habits”有“以全盖偏”的嫌疑,研究所涉为特定的上瘾,虽然上瘾属于一种习惯性行为,但以此概括该研究揭示的是习惯的不良作用不妥当。故本题选择选项A。本题应注意对原文内容进行合理概括。对词汇的敏感度可帮助本题的判断,文章相关提示词如“incentive” “sobering” “staggering”以及“conservative estimate”都需要把握。
