A: Adam, how was your visit to the Temple of Heaven last week? Was it fun? B: 简直太棒了。建筑特别壮观,结构也很精巧。我最喜欢的是祈年殿。我去天坛的时候是个晴天,万里无云。祈年

admin2022-08-12  52

B: Oh, it was fantastic. The buildings were magnificent and their structures were exquisite. What I liked most was the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. It was a sunny day when I went to the Temple of Heaven, and the sky was crystal clear. The blue roof of the Hall integrated into the sky, and the small golden ball on top of the roof reflected sunlight. I wondered if the designer chose the blue color deliberately.
B: Yeah, I noticed it, but I don’t know why. Does the circular shape mean something in Chinese culture? Or is it because Chinese like the round shape?
B: That’s really an ingenious architectural design. I saw many pillars inside the Hall. Maybe it’s them who support the building. Some pillars were big with golden patterns that looked like flowers, and some were smaller and the color was red.
B: Sure. And next time I can also share with you what I know about Western architecture. By the way, it’s interesting to note that for both China and the West, many outstanding architectural designs are born out of religions or beliefs. But let’s save this topic for next time.


答案A: Adam, how was your visit to the Temple of Heaven last week? Was it fun? B: 简直太棒了。建筑特别壮观,结构也很精巧。我最喜欢的是祈年殿。我去天坛的时候是个晴天,万里无云。祈年殿的蓝顶和蓝天融为一体,顶端的金球反射着阳光。我想,设计师是不是有意选了蓝色作为殿顶的颜色。 A: Exactly. The blue roof of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests represents the sky. And maybe you have noticed that both the Hall and its bases are circular. Do you know why? B:是的,我注意到了,但不知道是为什么。圆形在中国文化中有什么含义吗?还是说中国人都喜欢圆形? A: It’s because people in ancient China believed that the sky was round and the earth was square. So the main buildings in the Temple of Heaven were in a circular shape. And there’re more amazing things about the Temple. Take the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, your favorite building, for an example. Such a high and sturdy building is completely made of wood without any nails or crossbeams. Therefore, the Hall is one of the classic works of buildings with a wooden structure in China. B:真是绝妙的建筑设计。我在祈年殿里见到了很多柱子,可能就是它们把建筑支撑起来了。有的柱子很大,上面画着金色的花朵形状的图案;有的小一些,颜色是红的。 A: There are also secrets in the design of the pillars. There are four pillars with golden patterns, which represent the four seasons. And there are 12 red pillars standing for the 12 months in a year. There are more secrets of numbers in the Temple of Heaven. Let’s go to the Temple of Heaven together next time, and I’ll tell you the stories behind these numbers as we walk. B:行。下回我也可以和你分享一下我知道的西方建筑知识。对了,有一点很有趣:中国和西方很多杰出的建筑设计都源自宗教或信仰。不过这个话题就留到下次再聊吧。

