
admin2014-09-09  32

问题     大家知道,我们论坛的会所“蓝厅”的中文意思就是蓝色的大厅。蓝色让人联想到大海和天空,既包容万象又蕴含热情与活力,契合了和谐共存、开放共赢的理念。它寓意着我们将以海纳百川的精神,汲取各界智慧,深化对话交流;以纵论天下的视野,把握时代脉搏,共谋发展大计。


答案 Lanting, as you may know, means the blue hall in Chinese.(This Forum is called Lanting Forum because)people naturally associate the blue color with the sea and the sky. It symbolizes inclusiveness, passion and vitality, and it accords to the philosophy of harmonious coexistence, openness and win-win progress. It shows that we will adopt an inclusive approach, pool together the wisdom of various sectors and deepen dialogue and exchanges. It also means that we will take a global perspective, keep pace with the times and work together for development. As for the Asia Pacific(region)in the 21st century, some believe that its rich human resources and cultural diversity hold out great potential and bright prospects, while others think this region is beset with problems and troubles and could hardly offer any reason for optimism. Despite the various problems and challenges(in the region)due to reasons both of the past and the present, peace, stability, cooperation and development represent the shared aspiration of the people and the trend of the times. The Asia Pacific region is transforming into a dynamic, vibrant and promising region.

