I work as an office assistant in a small but growing garden equipment manufacturing company in California. A few months ago, my

admin2015-01-26  28

问题     I work as an office assistant in a small but growing garden equipment manufacturing company in California. A few months ago, my boss gave me the job of writing some sales letters which would be sent to the existing customers of our company. The objective was to get some of our existing customers to purchase a new product that our company had just launched.
    Now, I had never written sales letters before in my life and had no idea of how to writ even the first word. And even if I ended up writing a few lines, because I was so inexperience, chances were that the sales letters and business letters, would bomb completely and would hardly generate any sales for our company. So, in order to learn how to create more effective sales letter I went to the Internet and looked up a few sites which were selling samples, templates and examples of sales letters that claimed would "increase sales by 10 000% ". Because they weren’t too expensive, I bought 2 such packages.
    Big mistake. I found that the samples and templates of the sales letters and business letters included in them looked so cheap that there was no way. I was going to send them to our customers. Even I would have done a better job of writing sales letters! So I searched some more, and came across a site belonging to a person living in Maryland called Yanik Silver. He too was selling some templates and samples of sales letters and business letters. After having been duped with 2 such packages, I was naturally suspicious. I read through his site and found that he was offering a money back guarantee. While that made me feel a bit more comfortable, I first had to determine whether this person would be around to honor the guarantee should I want to return the package. So I sent an email to him(just to test whether he replies to customers’ emails)and I got a reply from him within 4 hours. I also saw a comment in his site by one of his customers who had actually got a refund from him as soon as he had asked for the refund.
    Feeling more comfortable, I decided to go ahead and buy the package that he was selling. Well, I was blown away! The samples, examples and templates of the sales letters and business letters included in his package were precisely the ones that I was looking for. And they were far, far better than any of the templates included in the 2 other packages I had bought. I quickly customized one of the sales letter templates to fit my needs, had it approved by my boss, and sent them over to our customers. Within 2 weeks from the time that I sent out the letter, about 36% of the customers who received the letter ended up buying our new product. You could say that my boss was impressed with what I had done!
    Since then, I have written quite a few sales letters for our company(simply by customizing the templates included in Yank’s package)and all of them have generated excellent sales for us. So, if you want to learn how to write sales letters that get the sale, I highly recommend Yanik’s package.
The sample letters and templates were so bad that______.

选项 A、customers complained about their content and formats
B、the author felt that he could have written better ones
C、customers ended up by refusing to give any reply
D、they annoyed the customers and the boss, too


解析 事实细节题。文章第二段提及作者从网上找到的销售信的模板质量太差(so cheap),没有办法寄给客户。之后说到“Even I would done a better job of writing sales letters.”,选项B与之对应。选项A、C、D中提及的信息都是顾客收到销售信后的反应和后果,在文中没有提及。故答案为B。
