Major global trends such as population growth, urbanization, uneven economic growth, increasing ine quality, sudden or protracte

admin2021-01-19  110

问题     Major global trends such as population growth, urbanization, uneven economic growth, increasing ine quality, sudden or protracted political transitions and climate change suggest that humanitarian caseloads will continue to increase. Already, the consequences of disasters for national and regional development, as well as economic growth, have led many governments to bolster national capacities for disaster management. People affected by emergencies also increasingly use technology to articulate their needs, to seek resources from their own communities, neighbors and governments. Humanitarian actors can leverage technology to distribute assistance more quickly and cost efficiently and to map hazards for better coordination and planning. It will be essential to support innovation in the sector and for humanitarian organizations to harness the opportunities technology can provide.
    Member States and humanitarian actors are still better at responding to crises than at preventing or preparing for them. Recognizing this, the United Nations brought resilience to the forefront of the humanitarian agenda in 2012 through closer collaboration between humanitarian and development agencies to manage risks and address the underlying vulnerabilities. Increased synergies between disaster risk reduction, including preparedness, and climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts will be needed.
    Given the changing humanitarian landscape, we must continue to adapt and update the international humanitarian system, making it more inclusive and interoperable, connecting and convening all actors who want to contribute to different aspects of preparedness, response, resilience and recovery. We must put a greater premium on evidence, innovation and partnerships, as well as on enhanced capacity, especially at the local level. More must be done to engage affected countries. Preparations are under way for a World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 to take stock of the changing environment, agree on how to adapt and make humanitarian action fit for future challenges.


答案 全球主要趋势,如人口增长、城市化、经济增长不平衡、不平等加剧、突然或长期的政治过渡和气候变化,都在表明人道主义案件数量将继续增加。灾害给国家、区域和经济发展带来的后果迫使许多国家增强灾害管理能力。受突发事件影响,人们也越来越多地利用技术来表达他们的需求,向他们所在的社区、邻居和政府寻求资源。人道主义行动者可以利用技术更迅速、更经济有效地进行援助,并绘制危机地图,以便更好地协调和规划援助。支持该领域的创新至关重要,人道主义组织利用技术提供的机会也意义重大。 会员国和人道主义行动者在应对危机方面仍然比在阻止或预防危机方面做得更好。认识到了这一点,联合国通过人道主义机构和发展机构之间展开更密切的合作,在2012年使复原力成为人道主义议程的重要内容,以管理风险和弥补潜在的漏洞。减少灾害风险(包括防灾准备)与减缓和适应气候变化之间需要加强协同作用。 鉴于不断变化的人道主义形势,我们必须继续调整和更新国际人道主义体系,使其更具包容性和可互操作性,联系和召集所有希望为准备、应对、复原和恢复等方面做出贡献的行动者。我们必须更加重视各种情况、创新和伙伴关系,并增强能力,特别是地方能力。必须采取更多措施,让受影响的国家参与进来。2016年世界人道主义峰会的筹备工作正在进行中,该峰会将评估不断变化的环境,就如何适应和采取人道主义行动以应对未来挑战达成一致。

