While assembling a new national security team, President George W. Bush is confronting what could become the biggest challenge o

admin2016-06-22  98

问题     While assembling a new national security team, President George W. Bush is confronting what could become the biggest challenge of his second term: how to contain Iran’ s nuclear program and what Americans believe is its support of violence in Israel and insurgents in Iraq.
    In an eerie repetition of the prelude to the Iraq, hawks in the administration and congress are trumpeting ominous disclosures about Iran’ s nuclear capacities to make the case that Iran is a threat that must be confronted, either by economic sanctions, military action, or regime change.
    But Britain, France and Germany are urging diplomacy, placing their hopes in a deal brokered by the Europeans in the past week in which Iran agreed to suspend its uranium enrichment program in return for discussions about future economic benefits.
    Secretary of State Colin Powell thrust himself into the debate on Wednesday by commenting to reporters while on the way to Chile that fresh intelligence showed that Iran was "actively working" on a program to enable its missiles to carry nuclear bombs, a development he said " should be of concern to all parties.
    The disclosures alluded to by Powell were seen by hard-liners in the administration as another sign of Iranian perfidy, and by Europeans as nothing new. Although Powell has praised the negotiations between the Europeans and Iran, an administration official said there was " a steady tightening of outlook between hawks and doves" that Iran will use the negotiations as a pretext to continue its nuclear program in secret.


答案 在组织新的国防班子的同时,小布什也碰到了可能是他连任以来最棘手的问题:遏制伊朗的核计划,在中东支持以色列,还有伊拉克的叛军。 仿佛是对伊拉克动武前奏的一个翻版,美国政府和国会的鹰派们又对伊朗的核能力恶言恶语,想让世人相信伊朗是个必须解除的威胁,要么实行经济制裁,要么动武,要么令它改朝换代。 但英法德等国却强烈要求通过外交方式解决。它们寄希望于欧洲人与伊朗上周达成的协议:伊朗暂停浓缩铀计划以换取就未来经济利益进行谈判的权利。 美国国务卿鲍威尔在周三前往智利的途中向记者发表了自己的看法:伊朗正在积极进行的谋划将使其导弹拥有携带核弹头的能力,伊朗在这方面取得的进展应该引起各方的关注。 在美政府强硬派看来,鲍威尔所披露的一些事情是伊朗的又一次背信弃义的行为,而在欧洲人眼里这种言论毫无新意。尽管鲍威尔对欧洲与伊朗的谈判十分赞赏,某政府官员称:鹰派和鸽派都一致认为伊朗会利用这次谈判作为继续秘密进行核计划的幌子。

