
admin2023-01-12  21

问题     用拆字先生的办法:望文生义,家最初显然和猪圈有关,而家的发展,当然是让它越来越不像猪圈。不过,我并不喜欢那些一尘不染的家庭。清洁过了头,家反而不像家。家是给人住的,因此,我想一切都应该以让人不感到别扭为度。过分用心了,人便变成了家的奴隶,整天替家当保姆,不值得。一个让人羡慕的家庭环境.所有的布置,都应该是以能促进家庭成员彼此之间的健康和谐为基本的前提。一个好的家居要充满人情味,太干净,太讲究,人情味必打折扣。有的人的家庭,喜欢收拾得仅供外宾参观似的,结果.作为家庭的主人,自己也成了无所适从的客人。


答案 Like people who divine fortunes by analyzing the component parts of a Chinese character, I’d conclude that a home at its very initial was evidently associated with a pigsty (The Chinese equivalent for home is typically ideographic. The upper part of the character represents a roof while the lower part means a pig). But with the gradual development of human’s residence, a home dissociates itself farther and farther away from that place. However, I don’t like a home that is kept completely neat and clean. If overdone, a home ceases being a home. A home is a place for people to live in; therefore everything should be measured against the standard where people feel free at home. Excessive attention to one’s dwelling turns one into a slave in bondage to the architecture, and a round-the-clock housekeeper. It’s hardly worth the while. The layout and ambience of an enviable home should be designed to guarantee the health of each and every family member and promote domestic harmony. An ideal home should be pervaded by human feelings. If too clean and too dainty, the place will have its human touch abridged.

