
admin2022-06-23  50

问题     读书是文明生活中人所共识的一种乐趣,极为无福享受此种乐趣的人所羡慕,我们如把一生爱读书的人和一生不知读书的人比较一下,便能了解这一点。凡是没有读书癖好的人,就时间和空间而言,简直是等于幽囚在周遭的环境里面。他的一生完全落于日常例行公事的圈禁中。他只有和少数几个朋友或熟人接触谈天的机会,他只能看见眼前的景物,他没有逃出这所牢狱的法子。但在他拿起一本书时,他已立刻走进了另一个世界。如若所拿的又是一部好书,则他便已得到了一个和一位最善谈者接触的机会。这位善谈者引领他走进另外一个国界,或者一个时代,或向他倾吐自己胸中的不平,或和他讨论一个他从不知道的生活问题。一个人在每天二十四小时中,能有两个小时的功夫撇开一切俗世烦扰,而走到另一个世界去游览一番,这种幸福自然是被无形牢狱所拘囚的人们所极羡慕的。这种环境的变更,在心理效果上其实等于出门旅行。


答案 Reading or the enjoyment of books has always been regarded among the charms of a cultured life and is respected and envied by those who rarely give themselves that privilege. This is easy to understand when we compare the difference between the life of a man who does no reading and that of a man who does. The man who has not the habit of reading is imprisoned in his immediate world, in respect to time and space. His life falls into a set routine; he is limited to contact and conversation with a few friends and acquaintances, and he sees only what happens in his immediate neighborhood. From this prison there is no escape. But the moment he takes up a book, he immediately enters a different world, and if it is a good book, he is immediately put in touch with one of the best talkers of the world. This talker leads him on and carries him into a different country or a different age, or unburdens to him some of his personal regrets , or discusses with him some special line or aspect of life that the reader knows nothing about. Now to be able to live two hours out of twelve in a different world and take one’s thoughts off the claims of the immediate present is, of course, a privilege to be envied by people shut up in their bodily prison. Such a change of environment is really similar to travel in its psychological effect. There can be, therefore, no books that one absolutely must read. For our intellectual interests grow like a tree or flow like a river. So long as there is proper sap, the tree will grow anyhow, and so long as there is fresh current from the spring, the water will flow. When water strikes a granite cliff, it just goes around it; when it finds itself in a pleasant low valley, it stops and meanders there a while; when it finds itself in a deep mountain pond, it is content to stay there; when it finds itself traveling over rapids, it hurries forward.

