
admin2021-07-13  57

问题   “布达拉宫”是梵语音译,原指观世音菩萨(Avalokitesvara)所居之岛。布达拉宫是一个古老的建筑群,被视为西藏建筑的典范。布达拉宫坐落于西藏拉萨市海拔约3700米的红山上,占地约400000平方米,东西长约360米,南北长约270米,是当今世界上海拔最高、规模最大的富殿式建筑群,被誉为“世界屋脊的明珠”。布达拉宫是藏式建筑的杰出代表,是中华民族古建筑的精华之作,也是中华民族团结和国家统一的铁证。


答案  "Potala" is transliterated from the Sanskrit for Mount Potala, the mythological mountain where Avalokitesvara, God of Mercy, lives. Potala Palace is an ancient architectural complex and is considered as a model of Tibetan buildings. It is located on the Red Hill in Lhasa, Tibet, being about 3 700 meters above the sea level. It covers an area of about 400 000 square meters, measuring around 360 meters from east to west and 270 meters or so from south to north. It is the highest and largest palace complex in the world and hence hailed as "the pearl on the world roof". Potala Palace is the masterpiece of Tibetan buildings and the gem of ancient Chinese buildings, and it is also irrefutable evidence of the solidarity of all nationalities and the unity of the nation.

