Title: Marriage on the campus Time limit: 30 minutes Word list: 120~150 words Your composition should be based on the outline be

admin2009-04-27  58

问题 Title: Marriage on the campus
Time limit: 30 minutes
Word list: 120~150 words
Your composition should be based on the outline below.
    1. Present situation
    2. Its advantages and disadvantages
    3. Your own viewpoints.


答案 There is a general discussion today about the issue of marriage on campus. Those who criticize the phenomenon of marriage on campus argue that it is not admitted, they be live that school is a place where students receive education, no other things are more important than study. But people who advocate freedom, on the other hand, argue that students have their insight into marriage, they also have their own rights. Every coin has two sides, so does marriage on campus. There is no doubt that further attention has been paid to the problem of its bad effects. For one thing that it can affect study is an obvious reason, what is the most important is its leading to population explosion. In contrast with its disadvantages, its advantages are less vital than any other thing, some other people think that it can make some students understand what is the responsibilities as early as possible. Also in dealing with the same thing later, some people involved are more proficient. Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely draw the conclusion that the disadvantages of marriage on campus outweigh any benefit we gain from its advantages. In other words, if we want to grasp one thing, we have to lose the other. We have not much energy to consider other things, as well as study, after all. It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent the situation on campus, accordingly.

解析     该题是一提纲式作文。从近几年来看,考研作文题型多为图表式作文,但提纲式作文不乏重温旧题,另外它体现的观点常紧扣生活中热门话题,使大部分考生都有话可说,发表自己的观点。
    (1) 主题有普遍性。对于校园中的婚姻现象,时下正值人们评头论足之季,曾经的"象牙塔"如今成双成对者已屡见不鲜,修筑爱巢者早有人在。
    (2) 中心思想明确。从所给提纲可以看出考生只要紧抓校园中婚姻现象就不可能脱题,也可从早婚人手,分析其利弊。
    (3) 言之有物。任何事物我们都要一分为二地去看,诸如分析校园中的婚姻问题不能单方面支持也不能单方面反对。不管怎样,都可尽情发挥思维空间,以小见大。
    (4) Those who criticize the phenomenon...该句用but引导两定语从句表明当前两种人对校园婚姻问题的看法。句式巧妙变化而不失繁冗。
    (5) Judging from all evidence offered...用分词作状语,从而得出结论,校园婚姻问题弊大于利。
