
admin2015-11-27  60

问题     谁能否认海的伟大呢?我爱海,并不仅仅因为她的颜色美丽,和藏在海底那有趣的玩意儿,而是爱她的胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁。她容纳无数的细流,尽管它们的颜色有黑的也有黄的,一旦流到了海的怀抱,便立刻变成碧绿的了。碧绿是代表和平,代表一种静美。一个人,哪怕他的脾气犹如虎狼那么凶暴,我相信如果长住在海滨,一定会变得和羔羊一般驯良;同时,那些心怀狭隘的人,如果常与海做朋友,我相信他也会改变成豪爽、痛快的性格。


答案There is no denying of the mightiness of the sea. I love her not only because she has the beautiful hues and many intriguing objects hidden deep underneath her, but also because she is broad and liberal enough to turn the foul into the pure. The numerous small rivers that she accommodates may be of a black or yellow color, but once they flow into her bosom, they instantly take on the green color signifying peace and tranquility. A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe, as meek as a lamb after a long stay by the seashore. Likewise, I believe a narrow-minded person will become tolerant and open-hearted if he often keeps company with the sea.

解析 1.第一句是个反问句,而且主语是一个泛指人称,所以可以采用there is no denying结构来处理,译文虽然变成了肯定句,但否定词no的使用传递了同样的感情色彩,比翻译成反问句效果要好。
2.第二句比较长,并列结构“不仅仅……而是……”可翻译成not only…but also...。其中“颜色美丽”和“藏在海底那有趣的玩意儿”从表面结构上看似不是很对称,但是在逻辑和意义上是并列的,所以翻译成英语时处理成并列结构更合适,所以翻译成the beautiful hues andmany intriguing objects hidden deep underneath her。注意“藏在海底那有趣的玩意儿”中,“玩意儿”有两个修饰语,翻译成英语时,一个放在前,一个放在后。另外,  “污秽”和“清洁”在此处是名词,所以翻译成the foul和the pure,表达一种抽象概念,相当于filthiness和purity。
3.第三句和第四句翻译时,可运用从句和分同,合为一句,不仅结构严谨而且意思明了。“容纳”翻译成accomodates,“变成碧绿色”翻译成take on the green color。
4.最后一句比较长,翻译成英语可以处理成两句,分号前后各为一句。注意两个比喻的译法,“脾气犹如虎狼那么凶暴”和“和羔羊一般驯良”,前一个比喻,结合句子需要,可译为aterrifying hot temper,后一个直译为as meek as a lamb。“心怀狭隘”翻译成narrow—minded,“与海做朋友”翻译成keeps company with the sea。最后,“豪爽、痛快的性格”中,“性格”可以不翻译出来,直接翻译出“豪爽,痛快”之意即可,译为tolerant and open—hearted。
