
admin2019-09-11  76

问题     本公司是一家大型国有房地产上市公司,国家一级房地产开发资质企业,连续五年荣膺中国房地产行业领导公司品牌。2006年7月,本公司股票在上海证券交易所上市。截至2015年底,本公司总资产突破3600亿元,实现签约金额1366.76亿元。本公司成立于1992年,经过十年扎实发展,2002年成功完成股份制改造,遂开始实施全国化战略,加强专业化运作,连续实现跨越式发展。


答案 Our company is a large state-owned listed real estate company. As a national first-class real estate enterprise, it has been a leading brandname company in China’s real estate industry for five successive years. In July 2006 it was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. By the end of 2015, its total assets had exceeded 360 billion RMB yuan and its contracted sales had reached 136.676 billion yuan. Established in 1992, our company finished the transformation of the joint-stock system in 2002 following 10 years of sound development, and it then began to implement a national strategy and strengthen its professional operation. It has since realized sustained leap-forward development. So far, it has formed a nationwide strategic network which centers on Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai and covers 57 cities. Currently, it owns 292 holding subsidiary companies, and its business has extended to such industries as real estate development, architectural design, engineering construction, property management, sales agency, commercial conventions and exhibitions and hotel operation. It takes the development of residential housing as its main business and holds certain commercial properties. In terms of residential housing development, it has gradually formed four serial products and a diversified, advanced and innovative approach to high-quality residential housing and property. It has engaged in the development of various types of properties such as medium-and high-end residential housing, apartments and villas. Its commercial real estate includes commercial office buildings, high-end leisure real estate, star-rated hotels, commercial conventions and exhibitions, shopping centers, urban complexes, etc. Our company boasts capabilities of developing a wide range of properties.

解析 1.本公司是一家大型国有房地产上市公司,国家一级房地产开发资质企业,连续五年荣膺中国房地产行业领导公司品牌。Our company is a large state-owned listed real estate company.As a national first-class real estate enterprise,it has been a leading brandname company in China’s real estate industry for five successive years.
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2.本公司成立于1992年,经过十年扎实发展,2002年成功完成股份制改造,遂开始实施全国化战略,加强专业化运作,连续实现跨越式发展。Established in 1992,our company finished the transformation of the joint-stock system in 2002 following 10 years of sound development,and it then began to implement a national strategy and strengthen its professional operation.It has since realized sustained leap-forward development.
  分析  句子结构类、语言措辞类
  本句信息量较大,小句间无关联词。翻译时可选择将流水句拆分成若干个有完整意义的小句,也可将六个小句进行断句处理,合并译成一个英语主谓句。合并时需注意对逻辑松散、意义不够连贯的地方进行结构重组,对汉语原句中的语序按照逻辑关系和意义层次进行调整。本句的汉语逻辑很明显是基于一个连续的时间概念,指出公司发展的清晰脉络,因而翻译时需注意时间的先后顺序和逻辑上的顺承关系。另外,句中动词如“成立”“完成”“实施”“加强”和“实现”等的翻译,要体现语言措辞的丰富性和变化性,比如“完成”一词,备选词有finish,complete,secure;“实施”可选用implement,embark,carry out等。
3.目前,本公司已完成以广州、北京、上海为中心,覆盖57个城市的全国化战略布局,拥有292家控股子公司,业务拓展到房地产开发、建筑设计、工程施工、物业管理、销售代理、商业会展、酒店经营等相关行业。So far,it has formed a nationwide strategic network which centers on Guangzhou,Beijing and Shanghai and covers 57 cities.Currently,it owns 292 holding subsidiary companies,and its business has extended to such industries as real estate development,architectural design,engineering construction,property management,sales agency,commercial conventions and exhibitions and hotel operation.
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4.本公司坚持以商品住宅开发为主,适度持有经营性物业。It takes the development of residential housing as its main business and holds certain commercial properties.
  分析  语言措辞类
本句的翻译重点是“坚持……为主”和“适度持有”两个动宾结构的措辞。“坚持……为主”对应的英文表达较多,比如,take…as,give priority to,attach importance to,give weight to,value等。“适度持有”的翻译也很灵活,既可采取副词加动词搭配,也可采用形容词加名词的搭配方法,从而使英语语言亦动亦静,比如,hold an appropriate/certain…,properly develop and hold,with appropriate attention given to,develop…on a relatively small scale等,可根据语境的细微差别酌情选择。
5.在住宅开发方面,本公司逐渐形成了四大产品系列以及多元化优质住宅物业的先进创新格局,经营中高端住宅、公寓、别墅多种物业形态。In terms of residential housing development,it has gradually formed four serial products and a diversified,advanced and innovative approach to high-quality residential housing and property.It has engaged in the development of various types of properties such as medium-and high-end residential housing,apartments and villas.
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  作为一篇企业宣传材料,本文的文体特点非常典型。用词上,注重感情的传达和主观的体悟,在行文中多使用富有感染力的词汇,以达到宣传目标。语法结构上,多含并列结构的长句,长句中又套有多个并列短句。语气上,描述性用词更具号召力。在翻译类似文本时,应注意研究汉语原句的艺术性和审美性,即意合,还要顾及英语译文的逻辑性和信息性,即形合,做到英文表达简约易懂,在不失美感的前提下,适当增加、调整、合并或是删减原文的繁复之词。比如,“多元化优质住宅物业的先进创新格局”,如果翻译成advanced and innovative approach to diversified high-quality residential housing and property,句子中的修饰语则稍显分散冗长,因此可考虑将分散信息融合,根据上下文语境和各部分间逻辑关系,将“多元化”“先进”和“创新”三个突出品质词翻译成“格局”的共同修饰语,这样既能保证句式整齐,也符合上下文逻辑。
6.商业物业囊括商业写字楼、高端休闲地产、星级酒店、商贸会展、购物中心、城市综合体等,具备多品类物业综合开发的实力。Its commercial real estate includes commercial office buildings,high-end leisure real estate,star-rated hotels,commercial conventions and exhibitions,shopping centers,urban complexes,etc.Our company boasts capabilities of developing a wide range of properties.
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