
admin2020-06-30  46

问题     数世纪来,无数的外国人到中国旅行。他们都被中国迷人的风景和灿烂的文化所深深吸引。中国拥有高耸的山峰、炙热的沙漠、无垠的草原以及富饶的海洋。有着5000年历史的中国文明是世界上最古老的文明之一。古建筑、传统节日和手工艺品(handicraft)都展示着中国特有的文化。中国还有着50多个独特的民族以及他们各式各样的传统生活方式。


答案 For centuries, countless foreigners have traveled to China. They are deeply attracted by China’s fascinating landscapes and amazing culture. China boasts high mountains, hot deserts, vast grasslands, and rich seas. With a history of 5,000 years, Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. All the ancient architecture, traditional festivals and handicrafts display unique Chinese culture. There are also more than 50 distinct ethnic groups with a wide range of traditional life styles.

解析 1.第2句中的“被……所吸引”用短语be attracted by…来表达。“迷人的风景和灿烂的文化”可表达为fascinating landscapes and amazing culture,亦可表达为charming scenery and splendid culture。
2.第3句中的“中国拥有”可译为China has…,但不如译为China boasts…,动词boast表示“自豪地拥有”之义,更能体现原文让人骄傲、豪迈的情怀。
3.第4句中“中国文明”的定语“有着5000年历史的”较长,可用定语从句which has a history of 5,000years来表达,但不如将其转换为状语,用介词短语with a history of 5,000 years来表达,这样处理更符合英语表达习惯,能使译文更加紧凑。“中国文明是……的文明之一”中有两个“文明”,英译时如果直译为Chinese civilization is one of...civilizations则不符合英语避免重复的表达习惯,故译为Chinese civi—lizafion is one of the oldest。
4.最后一句中的“中国还有……”可用存现句there be句型译出。“独特民族以及各式各样的传统生活方式”可用并列结构直译为distinct ethnic groups and a wide range of traditional life styles,但不如用介词短语来表伴随状态,译作distinct ethnic groups with a wide range of traditional life styles,这样处理译文更具逻辑性。
