避暑山庄位于承德市区北部,是清代最大的皇家园林。 清朝康熙皇帝在为巩固多民族国家的统一,安塞固疆的多次北巡途中,见这里风景秀丽,气候宜人,离京师又近,遂于1703年在此修建避暑山庄。此项工程历经康熙、乾隆两代,用了87年时间才告完工。康熙、乾隆每年

admin2011-01-11  74

问题     避暑山庄位于承德市区北部,是清代最大的皇家园林。


答案 The Mountain Resort (Bi Shu Shan Zhuang, or literally "Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat") in the northern part of the city of Chengde was the biggest garden of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty. In order to consolidate the unity of the multinational state and pacify the frontier areas, Emperor Kangxi went on many tours of inspection in north China. During his tours, he found that Chengde with its proximity to the capital of Beijing was beautiful in scenery and pleasant in climate. So in 1703 he decided to have a summer resort built here. Construction of the project lasted through the reigns of emperors Kangxi and Qianlong and was completed in 87 years. Every year both Kangxi and Qianlong spent about six months enjoying the cool and handling government affairs here. After the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, the Mountain Resort was left in bad repair. After liberation, the People’s Government designated it as a major historical monument under state protection and allocated a huge sum of money to restore it so that it has become a summer resort and a tourist attraction for visitors at home and abroad. The Mountain Resort covers 5.6 million square metres and the wall enclosing it is as long as 10 kilometres. It is divided into the palace area and the garden area. The entire scenery creates an effect often seen in traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Rows upon rows of pavilions and halls bejewel the whole resort, and temples and nunneries dot the deep, grass-carpeted valleys and tree-clad, undulating mountains.

解析 1.避暑山庄位于承德市区北部,是清代最大的皇家园林。The Mountain Resort (Bi Shu Shan Zhuang, or literally "Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat") in the northern part of the City of Chengde was the biggest garden of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty.
    [分析] 理解结构采分点。
    “避暑山庄位于承德市区北部”不译成主谓结构,而是译成地点状语in the northern part of the city of Chengde。“皇家园林”可译为garden of the imperial family, 也可译为royal garden。
2.清朝康熙皇帝在为巩固多民族国家的统一,安塞固疆的多次北巡途中,见这里风景秀丽,气候宜人,离京师又近,遂于1703年在此修建避暑山庄。In order to consolidate the unity of the multinational state and pacify the frontier areas, Emperor Kangxi went on many tours of inspection in north China. During his tours, he found that Chengde with its proximity to the capital of Beijing was beautiful in scenery and pleasant in climate. So in 1703 he decided to have a summer resort built here.
    原句由多个分句组成,需要断句分别翻译。原句“清朝康熙皇帝在为巩固多民族国家的统一,安塞固疆的多次北巡途中”是一个状语,在翻译时,可把其中的“清朝康熙皇帝在为巩固多民族国家的统一”译成由in order to引导的介词短语,“安塞固疆的多次北巡”译成句子,"Emperor Kangxi went on many tours of inspection in north China"。后半句也译成两个句子:“见这里风景秀丽,气候宜人,离京师又近”.和“遂于1703年在此修建避暑山庄”。“离京师又近”译成 with引导的状语。“风景秀丽,气候宜人”是典型的四字结构词组,译成beautiful in scenery and pleasant in climate结构整齐,意思表达充分。
3.清朝以后,山庄遭到严重破坏。After the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, the Mountain Resort was left in bad repair.
    [分析] 理解表达及选词用词采分点。
4.全国重点文物保护单位a major historical monument under state protection
    [分析] 基本素质采分点。
5.Chinese landscape paintings。
    [分析] 选词用词采分点。
6.整个山庄楼堂殿阁鳞次栉比,寺观庵斋遍布山壑;绿草如茵,林木苍翠;山峦起伏,峡谷幽深。Rows upon rows of pavilions and hails bejewel the whole resort, and temples and nunneries dot the deep, grass-carpeted valleys and tree-clad, undulating mountains.
    [分析] 选词用词采分点。
    原句中又尽是四字词组,要将其所指意象翻出来即可。原文中的“绿草如茵”和“林木苍翠”并不独立翻译,而是译成了“山壑、山峦”的修饰语。“峡谷幽深”也译成deep valleys。
