在郭老新编的话剧“蔡文姬”里,提到了蔡文姬的父亲蔡邕所造的那张焦尾琴。最近我看了“蔡文姬”的演出,自然而然想起了焦尾學,想起了关于焦尾琴的故事: 蔡邕因为不愿趋附权贵,怕被人陷害,曾经亡命江南,往来于吴会之间(今江、渐带),计十二年。据说他在吴(今

admin2023-01-12  16

问题     在郭老新编的话剧“蔡文姬”里,提到了蔡文姬的父亲蔡邕所造的那张焦尾琴。最近我看了“蔡文姬”的演出,自然而然想起了焦尾學,想起了关于焦尾琴的故事:


答案 Unwilling to flatter the bigwigs and attach himself to them, Cai Yong, in case of being framed, fled to the regions in the south of the Yangtze River for twelve years, moving between Wu and Hui in today’s Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It was said that during his stay in Wu (today’s Suzhou) , one day he heard the crackling of firewood when his neighbor was cooking, a sound he was so familiar with that he immediately knew it came from a fabulous paulownia wood, which was the best material for making seven-stringed zithers. Therefore, he discussed with his neighbor and demanded this section of scorched paulownia wood, which he made into a seven-stringed zither. It sounded really good when played.

