In the United States, and here in Asia, intellectual property accounts for a significant and growing segment of commercial trade

admin2019-07-30  55

问题     In the United States, and here in Asia, intellectual property accounts for a significant and growing segment of commercial trade. But the same technologies that have spurred rapid growth in the legitimate economy have also allowed criminals to misappropriate the creativity of our innovators and entrepreneurs—and to operate global enterprises that survive by executing IP schemes. In fact, for every technological and commercial quantum leap we have made, criminals—and often entire international criminal syndicates—have kept pace. They have developed sophisticated methods for committing every imaginable type of intellectual property offense. They aren’ t just selling counterfeit clothing or electronics. They’ re selling defective and dangerous imitations of critical components , like brake pads, or everyday consumer goods, like toothpaste. They’ re conducting corporate espionage. They’ re pirating music, movies, games, software, and other copyrighted works—both on our cities’ streets and online. And the consequences are devastating. The global software industry is a prime example. According to recent industry reports, it is now estimated that, worldwide, more than 40 percent of all software installed on personal computers is obtained illegally—with forgone revenues to the software industry topping $ 50 billion. These are funds that could have been invested in new jobs and next-generation technologies. And software piracy affects more than just the software industry—since, for every $ 1 of PC software sold, it’ s estimated that more than $ 3 of revenues are lost to local IT support and distribution services. Other IP and support industries are seeing the same ripple effect of losses—and current trends are alarming. Perhaps most concerning of all, however, is the widespread growth we’ ve seen in the international sale of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, which can put the stability of corporations—and, more importantly, the health of consumers—at serious risk.


答案 在美国和亚洲这里,知识产权是商业贸易中十分重要而且不断增长的成分。但那些在合法的经济中推动了经济快速增长的技术,同样也让犯罪分子有可能侵占我们的发明家和企业家的创造力——经营着以进行知识产权骗局为生的全球性行业。实际上,对于我们在每一项技术和商业上的飞跃,犯罪分子——常常是整个国际犯罪集团——从不落后。他们想出高超的技巧,犯下了知识产权上每一类可以想象的罪行。他们不只是销售假冒服装或电子产品。他们销售关键部件的残次和危险的仿制品,如刹车片,或像牙膏这样的日常消费品。他们从事企业间谍活动。他们盗版音乐、电影、游戏,软件等版权作品,既在我们的城市街头,也在互联网上。而其后果破坏性极大。全球软件行业是一个典型的例子。根据最近的行业报告,据估计,全世界个人电脑上安装的软件40%以上是非法获取的——使软件产业失去的收入高达500亿美元以上。这些资金本来可以投资在创造新的就业机会和下一代的技术。软件盗版不仅仅影响软件行业——因为个人电脑软件每销售1美元,据估计当地信息技术的支持和销售服务都会损失超过3美元的收入。知识产权和其他附属行业的损失也出现了同样的涟漪效应——目前的趋势令人不安。不过,也许最令人关注的是我们所看到在国际上出售的假冒药品普遍增多,这会把公司的稳定性——更重要的是消费者的健康——置于严重危险之中。

