
admin2015-08-31  48

问题     鲁迅,原名周树人,是中国现代文学巨匠。鲁迅是20世纪的重要作家,新文化运动的领导人,左翼文化运动的支持者。鲁迅的作品对五四运动以后的中国文化与中国文学产生了深刻的影响。鲁迅赴日本留学时选择的是现代医学,这是因为父亲的病故使他对中医产生了严重的怀疑。但一年之后,他认为救国救民需先救思想,于是弃医从文,写下了《狂人日记》(A Madman’s Dairy)等一系列发人深思的作品,唤醒了一批热血青年的爱国救国之志。


答案 Lu Xun is the pen name of Zhou Shuren, a great master of modern Chinese literature. As an important writer in the 20th century, Lu Xun has led the New Culture Movement and supported the left-wing cultural movement. His works have imposed a profound effect on Chinese culture and Chinese literature after the May Fourth Movement. When Lu Xun went to Japan for study, he chose modern medicine due to his serious doubt about the traditional Chinese medicine after his father’s death. One year later, however, he held the view of salvaging the country and the nation by thought salvation. Therefore, he quitted medicine for literature and wrote a series of thought-provoking works with A Madman’s Dairy as a masterpiece, which awakened a batch of hot-blooded youngsters’ patriotism and ambition to save the country.

