但出人意料的是,太平洋热带洋面水温自五月中旬至六月中旬一个月内下降了7.8摄氏度,使海水温度比常年同期低2至3摄氏度。这就是所谓的拉尼娜现象。她的甚至更迅速的形成使科学家们感到惊讶不已。 “较冷的热带海洋使大气从海洋中吸起的热量低于常年,”曹冀平

admin2017-11-20  71

问题     但出人意料的是,太平洋热带洋面水温自五月中旬至六月中旬一个月内下降了7.8摄氏度,使海水温度比常年同期低2至3摄氏度。这就是所谓的拉尼娜现象。她的甚至更迅速的形成使科学家们感到惊讶不已。


答案 But beyond all expectations is that the water temperature of the tropical Pacific Ocean decreased by 7.8 centigrade from mid May to mid June, 2-3 centigrade lower than that of the same period in previous years. This is the so-called La Nina. And its rapid formation surprised scientists a lot. "The colder tropical oceans make the atmosphere absorb less heat from it than that in previous years," Cao Jiping explains, "and it leads to the abnormal atmospheric circulation, resulting in the global climate anomalies." The impact of La Nina on global climate is just the opposite of El Nino, especially in the tropical area. E1 Nino and La Nina are one of the many factors that affect the climate in higher latitudes, but their effects are most clearly seen in winter.

