
admin2020-08-19  25

问题     却说曹寨中,听得擂鼓呐喊,毛玠、于禁二人慌忙飞报曹操。操传令日:“重雾迷江,彼军忽至,必有埋伏,切不可轻动。可拨水军弓弩手乱箭射之。”又差人往旱寨内唤张辽、徐晃各带弓弩军三千,火速到江边助射。比及号令到来,毛玠、于禁怕南军抢入水寨,已差弓弩手在寨前放箭;少顷,旱寨内弓弩手亦到,约一万余人,尽皆向江中放箭:箭如雨发。孔明叫把船吊回,头东尾西,逼近水寨受箭,一面擂鼓呐喊。待至日高雾散,孔明令收船急回。二十只船两边束草上,排满箭支。孔明令各船上军士齐声叫日:“谢丞相箭!”比及曹军寨内报知曹操时,这里船轻水急,已放回二十余里,追之不及。曹操懊悔不已。


答案 When Cao Cao’s troops heard the clamor and beating of drums, Mao Jie and Yu Jin hurried to report to their chief. His orders were, "If their fleet has arrived in a heavy fog like this, they must be up to some trick. Don’t do anything rash. Get the bowmen in your fleet to shoot at them. " He also sent orders to Zhang Liao and Xu Huang to take three thousand archers from their army to the bank at once to help the marines. By the time this order was delivered, the admirals had already ordered bowmen to let fly their arrows to prevent the men of Wu from attacking their camp. Soon a host of army archers, around ten thousand, also arrived, and all shot together at the river. Arrows fell like rain. Then Zhuge Liang made his crews turn so that their prows pointed east and go closer to the camp so that more arrows might hit them, while they went on sounding drums and raising a din. When the sun rose and the mist began to scatter, he gave orders for a speedy return. By then the straw on all the boats was bristling with arrows, and Zhuge Liang ordered the crews to shout, "Thank you, Cao Cao, for your arrows’" By the time this was reported to Cao Cao, the swift light boats were more than twenty li downstream, and it was impossible to overtake them. Cao Cao was sorry, but there was no help for it.

解析     “必有埋伏”并没有使用“埋伏(ambush)”,而是转译为“必有奸计”(be up to some trick),体现出了曹操对敌军行为的狐疑,且该表达在英文中极为常见,含义相对更广; “不可轻动”的含义是“不可轻举妄动”,即不要做出任何鲁莽的事情,Don’t do anything rash,是英文口语中常见且地道的表述。
    根据历史常识,“怕南军抢入水寨”中的“南军”指的其实是东吴的军队,因此需要将其具体化,译为the men of Wu,“抢人”在这里表示“攻入”,可译为attack;毛玢、于禁二人为防止水寨被抢入,于是吩咐弓弩手放箭,因此翻译时根据逻辑关系,用不定式结构to prevent引出放箭的目的,逻辑上更通顺自然;后半句中“旱寨内弓弩手”使用army指“陆军”,同时使用与前边不同,但同样表示“弓箭手”之意的名词archers,进一步强调了两支弓弩手的性质不同;“箭如雨发”中使用动词fall的过去式,体现了箭射出后落入江中的动态感。
    “头东尾西”虽然指出了两个方向,但如果船头朝向东方,船尾必然朝向西方,因此翻译时无需赘述,只需要译出船头朝向东方即可;“受箭”中的动词“受”言简意赅,但是翻译为英文时却无法用一个词与其对应,根据语境可知,这里诸葛亮之所以调整船的朝向,目的在于让更多的弓箭击中船身,因此将“受箭”翻译为so that more arrows might hit them;“呐喊”在这里译为raise a din,其中din为名词,表示“喧嚣声,嘈杂声”。
