中国与联合国、世界银行等多边机构发挥各自优势,在农业、环保、培训等方面开展对非合作。中国是第一个与联合国粮农组织建立南南合作战略联盟的国家。2008年,中国宣布向联合国粮农组织捐赠3 000万美元设立信托基金,重点用于支持中国参与“粮食安全特别计划”框架下

admin2019-04-11  112

问题     中国与联合国、世界银行等多边机构发挥各自优势,在农业、环保、培训等方面开展对非合作。中国是第一个与联合国粮农组织建立南南合作战略联盟的国家。2008年,中国宣布向联合国粮农组织捐赠3 000万美元设立信托基金,重点用于支持中国参与“粮食安全特别计划”框架下的南南合作,基金使用将适度向非洲地区倾斜。截至2012年底,中国已在该框架下,向非洲派遣农业专家和技术人员,在农田水利、农作物生产、畜牧水产养殖和农产品加工等多个领域提供农业技术援助,为提高其农业生产能力和粮食安全水平发挥了积极作用。
    2012年,中国承诺向国际货币基金组织非洲技术援助活动捐资1 000万美元,推动非洲国家宏观管理能力建设。自2007年5月中国金融机构与世界银行建立全面合作框架机制以来,目前双方就非洲国家一些基础设施建设项目正进行可行性研究和探讨。中国金融机构与世界银行集团旗下的国际金融公司等机构长期保持良好合作关系,在西非地区电信项目上提供联合融资,共同推动了区域通信行业发展。


答案China has joined forces with multilateral organizations including the United Nations(UN)and the World Bank(WB)to utilize their respective strengths to the fullest to aid Africa in the fields of agriculture, environmental protection and training. China was the first country to form a strategic alliance with the UNFAO to foster South-South cooperation. In 2008, China decided to contribute $ 30 million to the UNFAO to set up a trust fund. This fund, which is particularly beneficial to Africa, is used to support South-South cooperation between China and African countries under the framework of the UNFAO Special Program for Food Security. By the end of 2012, under the said framework, China had sent many agricultural experts and technicians to African countries to provide technical assistance in the areas of irrigation and water conservation, crop production, animal husbandry, aquaculture and agricultural product processing. By doing this, China has played an active role in improving the agricultural production capacities and food security of these countries. In 2012, China promised to contribute $ 10 million to the International Monetary Fund(IMF)to provide technical assistance to Africa and improve the macroeconomic management of African countries. Chinese financial institutions established an all-round cooperation framework with the WB in May 2007. The two sides are carrying out feasibility studies on some infrastructure construction projects in African countries. Chinese financial institutions also maintain a good cooperative relationship with the International Finance Corporation(IFC), which is a member of the WB Group, to provide co-financing to telecommunications projects in West Africa and push forward the development of the communications industry in this region.

