Don’t have time to read anymore ? Now you can get free, quick literature via email. More than 100,000 people open their email ea

admin2015-01-17  34

问题     Don’t have time to read anymore ? Now you can get free, quick literature via email. More than 100,000 people open their email each day to read a chapter of a book, through Chapter-A-Day, an online book club created two years ago. It’s a free email service that provides a short daily reading for busy people, exposing them to literature they may not find on their own, inspiring some to recommit to the reading habit. About 550 public library systems representing over 3 ,000 branch libraries already have signed up to offer Chapter-A-Day. Via email, participants get about five minutes’ worth of reading every day. After three chapters are emailed, the installments stop, and those who want to keep reading can borrow the book at their public library or purchase it online. Chapter-A-Day has eight free book clubs, and sells thousands of books each month.
    Chapter-A-Day started in 1999 when Suzanne Beecher, a lifelong book lover, realized how many of the women who worked part-time for her software development company didn’t have time in their busy lives to read. She decided to type part of a chapter of a book, and send it to her employees through email. The next day she typed a little more, and continued to send literary installments each day. She says she started getting feedback from the staff about how reading made them feel. "They were interested, and realized that, though they didn’t have time in their busy lives for reading, just reading that little bit each day got them back in the habit". Realizing that many other people could benefit, she decided to take the idea even further and start an email" Chapter-A-Day" book club to help others ease their way back into daily reading. "Reading makes changes in people’ s lives. " Beecher says.
    Pat Dempsey, a librarian at a public library in Ohio, has found Chapter-A-Day helps her library clients get back in the habit of reading. "It’s a different way to get people hooked on books," she says.


答案 难道再也没有时间阅读书籍吗?现在你可以利用电子邮件从书籍里面解放出来。通过两年前创建的在线图书俱乐部——“一日一章”,有10万多的人们可以通过打开邮件阅读一本书中的一章。这种免费的邮件服务可给忙碌人士提供每日短暂的阅读,提供他们自己可能找不到的一些文学作品,同时让他们形成阅读的好习惯。大约550个公共图书馆系统所包含的超过3000个分支图书馆已经签约提供“一日一章”电子邮件,参与每日五分钟阅读价值这种活动。当邮件提供到三章后就停止为读者电邮分期连载的文学作品,但那些想继续坚持阅读的人可以通过公共图书馆阅读或者在线搜寻。“一日一章"拥有八个免费的图书俱乐部,销售大约上千本图书。 “一日一章”是由一位终身的图书爱好者——苏珊娜-比彻创立于1999年。当时,她意识到那些在软件开发公司做兼职的女士一生忙碌却没有时间阅读。她决定打出一本书中的一章,通过电子邮件发给她的员工。第二天她又打多了一点,继续每天都发送一些文章。她说她开始得到员工每天阅读的感受,“那些书太有意思了,同时意识到,虽然在她们忙碌的一生里几乎没有时间阅读,但是每日一点的阅读就使她们形成了习惯”。她意识到其他的人同样可以从中受益,所以她决定开发这种思想,同时创立“一日一章"图书俱乐部,以帮助其他人恢复每日阅读的习惯。比彻说:“阅读改变了人们的生活。” 一位在俄亥俄公共图书管的图书商——帕特-戴姆森已经建立了“一日一读”帮助她的员工恢复阅读的习惯。她说:“这是一种让人们热衷于读书的特殊方法”。

