A:今年春节期间,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,数千家影院被迫关门。春节档本是票房旺季,可是发行方把所有的本地电影都撤档了。据称,电影撤档令全球票房损失逾10亿美元。 B: But the good news is that one of the films tha

admin2022-08-12  49

A: During this year’s Spring Festival, thousands of cinemas were forced to close their doors in response to the deadly coronavirus epidemic. Chinese New Year holiday is supposed to be highly lucrative for the movie industry, but distributors pulled all the local films. The closures were said to have cost the global box office more than $l bn.
A: Did you watch the movie? I like it a lot! The film is about an awkward journey to Russia of a manipulative old mother and her middle-aged son who wanted to rebel and escape. The movie offered a bitter-sweet but eventually heart-warming experience to the audience.
A: Although the movie is nice, there was a boycott from the industry. People in the industry say that what if in the future, any movies that might face fierce competition in the theater were just sold to short video platforms?


答案A:今年春节期间,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,数千家影院被迫关门。春节档本是票房旺季,可是发行方把所有的本地电影都撤档了。据称,电影撤档令全球票房损失逾10亿美元。 B: But the good news is that one of the films that were pulled from their original showing schedule, Lost in Russia, was streamed for free on online video platforms. This was certainly an unprecedented step. A:你看了这部电影了吗?我很喜欢!影片讲述了一位老母亲和她的中年儿子尴尬的俄罗斯之旅。这位母亲极具控制欲,而儿子却想反抗和逃离。这部电影给观众提供了一次苦乐参半但最终温暖人心的体验。 B: Yes, I like it, too! Many elements in the movie will resonate with Chinese audiences as it touches on many issues of a certain kind of typical mother-child relationship in China that is either too intimate or estranged, tough and manipulative. Xu Zheng, the director of the movie said that the film itself was a test, rebirth and change for him and his relationship with his mother was improved during the filming process. A:这部电影虽然好看,但遭到了业界的抵制。业内人士表示,有了这个先例,以后发行方如果觉得电影可能在院线面临激烈竞争,都卖给短视频平台那怎么办? B: It would certainly be a bad influence for the whole industry. Altogether 23 theater companies including Wanda Cinema issued a boycott statement towards Lost in Russia.

