Resource efficiency means reducing the environmental impact of the consumption and production of goods and services. The ’ doing

admin2016-03-22  98

问题     Resource efficiency means reducing the environmental impact of the consumption and production of goods and services. The ’ doing more with less’ slogan indicates the focus on more outputs with fewer impacts. Efficiency gains do not guarantee that the overall outcome stays within the ecological carrying capacity of the Earth. Influencing the demand side is therefore another prerequisite for sustainable development.
    It is indeed timely to recognize that the world cannot achieve sustainable, economic growth with old fashioned consumption and production patterns. Companies will have to accelerate the trends of polluting less and of designing, producing and marketing better products and services. Consumers have to get used to the fact that environmental concerns are as important in their daily choices as considerations of price, convenience and quality. And governments and civil society have a key role to play in inspiring such a process.


答案 资源增效指的是减少商品和服务生产过程及消费过程对环境产生的影响。“用更少创造更多”这一口号表明其重心在于用较少的影响来创造更多的产出。生产效率的提高并不能保证整体结果能维持在地球的生态承受力范围之内。因此,对需求方的影响成为了可持续发展的另一先决条件。 我们现在确实迫切需要意识到传统的消费生产模式是无法实现经济的可持续发展的。公司需要加快减污减排的脚步,敦促自身去设计、生产和经营更好的产品和服务。消费者也要接受这一事实——在日常购物时,对环境的影响、商品价格、便利度和产品品质都应被纳人考虑范围内,作为进行选择的参考条件。此外,政府和民间团体也需在推进上述进程中发挥关键性作用。

