
admin2021-02-24  8

问题     张衡是中国古代杰出的科学家。他长期观察日月和行星的运行规律,知道月亮本身不发光,月光只是月球反射了太阳光。他还正确地解释了“冬天日短夜长,夏天日长夜短”的道理。张衡在他写的书中,提出了“空间和时间都是无限的”的理论。他画出了中国第一张完备的星图,记录了2500颗恒星,还记录了它们的亮度和出没时间。他的观测,与我们今天在同一个地点看到的星空相近。


答案Zhang Heng was an outstanding scientist in ancient China. After spending many years observing the laws of the movement of the moon, the sun, and the planets, he knew that the moon itself does not shine but only reflects the light from the sun. Besides, he clearly explained why in winter days are short and nights are long while in summer days become longer and nights shorter. In his works, he put forward the theory that both time and space are infinite. He produced China’s first complete star chart which recorded 2,500 stars, including their brightness and their time of appearance and disappearance. His observations were quite similar to the observations made today at the same place.

解析 1.本段主体内容为对科学界重要历史人物的介绍,故总体时态为一般过去时。
3.第4句的“提出……理论”可译为advance/put forward the theory。从科技文体角度考虑,“无限的”应译为infinite,译为limitless可以保底。翻译此句时不宜拘泥于原文的形式,译为he put forward the theorythat both time and space are infinite。
