
admin2017-06-12  69

问题     任何语言,包括诗的语言在内,都应该力求用最经济的方式,表达最丰富的内容。到了有话非说不可的时候,说出的话才能动人。否则内容空虚,即便用了最伟大的字眼和词汇,也将无济于事,甚至越说得多,反而越糟糕。因此,我想奉劝爱说伟大的空话的朋友,还是多读,多想,少说一些,遇到要说话的时候,就去休息,不要浪费你自己和别人的时间和精神吧!


答案Any language, including the one used for poem, should strive to convey as much information as possible in the most economical way. The utterance is the most touching when you have no choice but to say it, otherwise emptiness arises with the biggest words, and the more you say, the worse it becomes. Therefore, I would like to advise those who prefer grand empty talks to read and think more, and say less. They had better take a rest while having an urge to speak, so as not to waste time and energy, both for their own and others’ sake.

解析 1.第一句中,“诗的语言”可译为the one used for poem,“力求”可译为strive to,“表达”可译为convey,“用最经济的方式”可译为in the most economical way,“最丰富的内容”可译为as much information as possible。
2.第二句中,“动人”可译为touching,“非……不可”可使用have no choice but to do sth.的句式。
3.第三句中,“否则”译为otherwise,“内容空虚”可译为emptiness,“最伟大的字眼和词汇”中的“字眼和词汇”意义相近,不必直译,可意译为words,故整句可采用最高级形式,译为the biggest words;翻译“越说得多,反而越糟糕”时可采用the more…the more…的句式。
4.第四句可分译成两句,先给爱说伟大空话的朋友提出建议,再进一步加强语气,奉劝他们不要浪费自己和别人的时间和精神。“奉劝”可译为advise,“不要浪费自己和别人的时间和精神”可译为not to waste time and energy,both for their own and others’sake,其中for one’s sake的含义为“为了……着想”。
