A、the world’s first major music company B、the world’s third largest record company C、the world’s largest on-line music provider

admin2010-04-28  35

The world’s No. 3 record company, EMI became the first major music company to sell a large selection of its recordings on line on Tuesday.
    It related more than 100 albums and 40 singles from acts of famous singers of various styles for fans to download from their computers.
EMI’S downloading trial came as Legal battles rage over copyrights and digital music distribution between the re-cording industry and online music providers like MP3. con, Inc.. MP3. com provides access to music via the popular MP3 technology, a compression format that tunas music on compact discs into small computer fibres. EMI’S music will be available in the future in secure format, after the company develops a player that supports the format.Gurrent MP3 technology allows fans to copy songs again and again, the encoded software being used by EMI will limit consumers from hard drives. A consumer can turn the song to a CD twice and send it to a portable device three times.

选项 A、the world’s first major music company
B、the world’s third largest record company
C、the world’s largest on-line music provider
D、the world’s largest software company


解析 本题的几个选项均有一定迷惑性,若对所给信息理解有误极易造成错选。A项(EMI为世界最大的音乐公司)似乎与材料中某些内容相符,但实际大有出入,试与原听力材料比较:EMI于周二成为第——家在网上大量发售其唱片的大音乐公司。选项C(世界上最大的在线音乐供应商)及D(世界上最大的软件公司)文中均未提及,因此只有B(世界上第三大录音公司)与原文内容相符,为正确。
