
admin2011-01-10  45

问题     很高兴在这次教育国际论坛上与大家交流我对21世纪教育的看法。21世纪,我们看到知识成了创造力和财富的源泉。知识能通过网络分享,我们生活在一个由网络连通的智慧时代。我们分享资源并形成各种伙伴关系。知识与经验的交流和分享创造了一个互惠互利的共同进步的环境。


答案 I’m very happy to speak at this international forum on education and share with you my idea of education in the 21st century. In the 21st century, we realize that creativity and wealth flow from knowledge. Knowledge can be shared on the Internet, because we are living in an age, in which everything is linked by the Internet, sharing resources and forming partnerships. Knowledge and experience are exchanged to create an environment of mutual benefit and common progress. In the 21st century, creating and using knowledge is the key to being competitive and to national prosperity and wealth accumulation. This requires people to continually accumulate knowledge and improve skills in their work. They must receive multi-level education and training. The basic means is to make education universal or to let everyone have the opportunity to receive education. To make education universal, it is essential to apply the "Open Learning" approach and technology to extend the reach of education and greatly increase students’ access to it. In an open-learning system, students learn how to successfully participate in teams. When students interact in teams, they learn to listen attentively with an open mind and treat each other’s ideas with respect. Meanwhile, they develop the capability of critical thinking. With economic globalization, we see a growing number of cross-economy and cross-border partnerships. For a country to successfully compete against the background of economic globalization, it must provide universal education to its citizens in order to enable each individual to make more contributions to society. And universal education can only be achieved under an open-learning system.

解析    本文是一段关于开放式学习的讲话,讲话人强调了21世纪普及教育的重要性,并提出通过“开放式学习”来扩大教育范围。
   1.教育国际论坛      international forum on education
   2.网络分享          shared on the Internet
   3.普及教育          make education universal
   4.开放式学习        open learning
   5.经济全球化        economic globalization
   1.互利互惠               mutual benefit
   2.共同进步               common progress
   3.国家繁荣               national prosperity
   4.积累财富               wealth accumulation
   5.提高技术水平           improve skills
   6.多层次教育与培训       multi-level education and training
   7.互动                   interact
   8.批判性思维             critical thinking
   9.跨经济                 cross-economy
   10.跨国界                cross—border
