信息产业 当前,中国经济发展势头很好,实行的宏观调控已经取得明显成效。中国经济和社会发展正处在重要战略机遇期,中国政府提出要坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走以科技为先导的新型工业化发展道路。信息产业是国民经济的基础产业、支柱产业、先导

admin2018-08-12  46

问题     信息产业


答案 The Information Industry At present China is keeping a good momentum in its economic development and the macro economic control/ macro-regulation it exercises has yielded/ produced remarkable/ notable effects/ results. Finding itself in an important period of strategic opportunities for the development of economy and society, the Chinese government makes it clear to drive industrialization through informatization, promote informatization through industrialization and take a new development road to industrialization led by science and technology (The government proposes information-driven industrialization and industrialization-based informationization as well as a new path of science-led industrialization). The information industry is the basic industry, pillar industry, forerunner industry and strategic industry of the national economy. Its development level has become an important indicator measuring a country’s modernization degree and comprehensive/ overall national strength, playing a pivotal role in the all-round building of a well-off society and modernization construction of China. Over/ In/ During recent years, China’s information industry has been developing rapidly, and the electronic and information industry of China has already leaped to the world’s third place by economic scale. Last year, sales revenue of the electronic and information industry reached 188 million yuan and the export volume of electronic products has approached one third of the country’s total. (Last year the electronic and information industry registered/ recorded a total sales income of 188 million yuan, the export value of electronic products neared one third of the country’s total. ) The software industry is the core of the information industry and its forceful development bears great significance. (At the heart of the information industry is software production, whose vigorous/ dynamic development is therefore of great importance. ) First, the software industry has become the focus of international competition and cooperation. The software industry underpins the sustainable and speedy economic development of various countries (in the world) and has turned out to be a new growth point of their national economy. The development of the software industry will impose far-reaching impact (exert a deep/ profound influence) on the development of global economy and society. A backward software industry is bound to lead to backward economy, science and technology and military strength across the board. Therefore, all the developed nations and many developing countries have identified the software industry as a prioritized strategic industry. China has to energetically advance its software industry to obtain greater competitiveness in its comprehensive national strength.

