回首“双十一”购物节诞生的这十一年,从最初的单身慰问到如今的全民消费狂欢,今天的“双十一”已经不仅仅是一个购物节日,甚至不只是一种现象级商业事件。随着“双十一”对供应链辐射的范围越来越广,其可以说已经成为一个提升社会生产能力的巨大发动机。 近年来,

admin2022-08-19  90

问题     回首“双十一”购物节诞生的这十一年,从最初的单身慰问到如今的全民消费狂欢,今天的“双十一”已经不仅仅是一个购物节日,甚至不只是一种现象级商业事件。随着“双十一”对供应链辐射的范围越来越广,其可以说已经成为一个提升社会生产能力的巨大发动机。


答案 Evolving from a consolation for the singles initially to a consumption carnival for the whole nation nowadays, the "Double 11" has existed for 11 years. It is not just a shopping festival, nor even just a commercial phenomenon today. As it has an increasingly wide range of radiation to the supply chain, we can say that it has become a huge engine to boost social production capacity. In recent years, China’s economic growth has shifted from relying mainly on investment and export to re-lying on synergistic stimulation of consumption, investment and export; and domestic demand has been the main source of growth. Many statistics have fully proved that, in the context of both global epidemic and economic uncertainty, the reason why Chinese economy resumed positive overall growth in the first three quarters this year despite tremendous difficulties was that its biggest driver was domestic demand, which is also the solid basis of the "Double 11" boom. The past booming offline "National Day" economy and the present online and offline " Double 11" shopping carnival both are the best demonstration of the great impetus of domestic demand, and provide a pivot for expanding domestic demand and opening up the internal circulation.The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee held not long ago clearly pointed out that in the future, we must stick to making expanding domestic demand as a strategic underpinning, constructing a complete domestic demand system, comprehensively promoting consumption and increasing more opportunities for investment. As the economy has shifted to high-quality development in recent years and people’s income has also been rising, social demand for consumption has become increasingly diversified and quality-oriented. In terms of the income structure of residents, while China has considerable high- and middle-income groups, its size of low-income groups is still huge, so markets that can be able to meet the pursuit of cost-effectiveness have enormous potential. The demands brought by this income structure can be satisfied by the " Double 11": among numerous consumer products provided on that day, there were survival-oriented consumer products emphasizing quantity and price sensitivity as well as pleasure- and improvement-oriented ones focusing on high quality and personalization.

解析     根据“回首”和“今天”这两个词组可以把此句分为两句,“回首……”这部分讲述的是“双十一”从诞生到当前的发展过程,“今天……”这部分讲的是“双十一”的发展结果。“单身慰问”即“对单身人士的慰问”,因此不能直译成single consolation,而要译成consolation for the singles “全民消费狂欢”可以直译为national consumption carnival,但处理为consumption carnival for the whole nation与前边的consolation for the singles结构对称,使译文更有美感。
    分析句子可知,“诸多统计数据已经充分证明”是概括性句子,翻译时需译为主句。其余的部分阐述在什么样的背景下,中国经济“由负转正”的原因,因此表示背景的内容可译为条件状语,原因的部分可译为有因果含义的句子,可以用the reason why…was that…这一结构。“由负转正”不能直接译成turn from negative to positive,其真正想表达的意思是中国经济“整体恢复了正增长”,故译为resumed positive overall growth。
    在“数量可观的高收入人群”和“庞大的中等收入群体”这两个短语里,“数量可观的”和“庞大的”的是同一个意思,“收入人群”和“收入群体”也是同一个意思,为使译文更简洁,将这句合译为considerable high- and middle-income groups “低收入人群……市场空间”暗含因果关系,要表达的意思其实是“因为低收入人群规模仍然巨大,所以能满足性价比追求的市场有巨大潜力”,翻译时需用表示因果的连词把这种因果关系体现出来。
