
admin2020-07-29  43

问题     长期以来,京剧界面临的一个重要问题就是如何让更多人尤其是年轻人认识京剧、了解京剧,喜爱京剧。高速发展的现代社会为人们带来了更多娱乐选择,在电影、电视、网络等冲击下,年轻一代大多数没有意愿也少有机会真正感受京剧的魅力。现有的京剧专家很多已步入中老年,不擅长用年轻人喜欢的语言和方式与他们沟通;而年轻一代中又极少有人既懂得京剧又愿意花费时间和精力去介绍京剧。


答案 For a long time, a serious problem Peking Opera has been facing is how to get more people, especially the young generations, to know about, to understand, and to be keen on Peking Opera. The modern society, which is developing fast, has brought people more options for recreation. Under the impacts of movies, TV shows, Internet, etc., most of the young generations show no interest or scarcely have any opportunity to truly feel the charm of Peking Opera. Many of the Peking Open masters have entered middle or old age, and they are not good at communicating with the young people in the languages or ways they like. Among the young generations, there are few people who have a good understanding of Peking Opera and are willing to spend time and efforts introducing it.

