现时有两种不知爱“今”的人:一种是厌“今”的人,一种是乐“今”的人。 厌“今”的人也有两派。一派是对于“现在”一切现象都不满足,因起一种回顾“过去”的感想。他们觉得“冷”的总是不好,古的都是好。政治、法律、道德、风俗,全是“今”不如古。此派人唯一的

admin2012-09-26  43

问题     现时有两种不知爱“今”的人:一种是厌“今”的人,一种是乐“今”的人。


答案 Among those who are sick of the present, some are so dissatisfied with everything of today that they become nostalgic about yesterday. To them, things of present, including politics, law, morality and social customs, are all inferior to those in the past. They place their only hope on turning the clock back to the old days. They throw themselves heart and soul into the back-to-the-ancient campaign. Some, though also dissatisfied with everything of today like those mentioned above, long for the future instead of the past, so much so that they abandon themselves to dreams and fantasies and even give up many things that can be achieved right now through their own efforts. People of these two categories hinder social progress instead of furthering it.

解析 1.第一句“厌‘今’的人也有两派”较短,可将其与第二句合为一句,用含定语从句的介词短语的形式表达,Among those who are sick of the present,更能体现英语的句式变化,增加译文亮点。
2.第二句中“回顾‘过去’的感想”指“怀念过去”,可译为become nostalgic about yesterday。
3.第三句和第四句在语义上有重叠,可以合译为一句:To them,things of present,including politics,law,morality and social customs,are all inferior to those in the past。
4.第四句中“不如”选用be inferior to要比直接用not better than好。
5.第五句“复古”可译为turn the clock back to the old days或go back/return to the past。
6.第六句“心力全施于”指的是“全身心投入”,可译为throw heart and soul into sth.或devote themselves to sth.wholeheartedly。“复古的运动”可译为the back-to-the—ancient campaign。
7.第七句和第八句之间是转折关系,联系比较紧密,而且第七句的转折部分是厌“今”派的突出特点,因此应当合译为一句,并表现出这种逻辑关系。第九句“盼‘将来’的结果”,也可以合并到这个句子中,译为so that引导的结果状语从句。
9.第八句中“不……,但……”表达的意思是“不是……而是……”。可用instead of结构来翻译。
11.第九句中“流于梦想”和后面的“耽溺于虚无缥缈的空玄境界”在语义上接近,可以采用合译法,译为dreams and fantasies。
