粮食安全始终是人类生存发展面临的首要问题,“人人粮食安全”是基本人权。世界粮食安全面临越来越多的非传统挑战和日趋复杂的形势。世界粮食安全的薄弱环节在发展中国家。利用粮食等生产生物燃料对粮食安全的影响不容忽视,气候变化对粮食安全也带来长期挑战。 中国高

admin2022-05-23  72

问题     粮食安全始终是人类生存发展面临的首要问题,“人人粮食安全”是基本人权。世界粮食安全面临越来越多的非传统挑战和日趋复杂的形势。世界粮食安全的薄弱环节在发展中国家。利用粮食等生产生物燃料对粮食安全的影响不容忽视,气候变化对粮食安全也带来长期挑战。
   中国高度重视农业和粮食问题,坚持立足国内实现粮食基本自给的方针,通过加大资金投人、加强农田水利建设、加快农业科技进步等政策和措施,稳定提高粮食和农业综合生产能力。中国用占不到世界9%的耕地,解决了世界近21%人口的吃饭问题,提前实现了联合国千年发展目标 (MDG) 减贫目标。


答案 As a kind of basic human right, food security is an issue of paramount importance for mankind’s survival and development. Food security in the world is increasingly affected by non-traditional challenges and the situation is ever more complex. Developing countries are the weak link for ensuring world food security. The impact of food-based biofuel production on food security is not to be overlooked, and climate change is also posing a long-term challenge to food security. China takes agriculture and food security very seriously. We have followed the policy of basically relying on domestic supply to realize self-sufficiency. We have steadily raised grain and agricultural productivity with the implementation of such policies and measures as stepping up financial investment, strengthening irrigation and water conservancy projects and accelerating the development of agricultural science and technology. China has managed to feed nearly 21% of the world’s population with less than 9% of the world’s farmland and achieved the MDG on poverty alleviation ahead of schedule. While addressing our own food security challenges, the Chinese government has also provided agricultural assistance to the best of its ability to the relevant developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation, including building agricultural technology demonstration centers and providing agricultural technical assistance and emergency humanitarian food assistance, thus making its own contribution to the improvement of food security in these developing countries.

