Good evening, Shirley and I are pleased to welcome you to historic Government House and to host this reception in honour of Cana

admin2018-07-31  56

问题     Good evening, Shirley and I are pleased to welcome you to historic Government House and to host this reception in honour of Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Manitoba Opera and Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.
    Together, the board members, management and artistic directors — and those who came before you — have developed a reputation for ballet, opera and symphony that goes well beyond Manitoba’s borders.
    Our provincial capital has a long and vibrant history of excellence in the performing arts.
    Together, your performing companies and their dancers, singers and musicians have been acclaimed provincially, nationally and internationally, and have received countless well-deserved honours.
    Equally important to the far-reaching artistic acclaim is the support your companies receive from an appreciative public.
    On the other hand, these successes did not just happen by themselves. The volunteers and the professionals in your companies have worked hard over many decades, with your artists, to create this high level of excellence and enduring success.
    Founded in 1939, our world-class ballet received its royal title in 1953 and holds the double distinction of being Canada’s premier ballet company and the longest continuously operating ballet company in North America. In addition to touring Canada, the RWB has performed around the world.
    The opera association was formed in 1969 and brought in operas for the first three years until the beginning of its own productions in 1972. It remains a highly successful production and performance company, attracting opera lovers from all over Manitoba, as well as from our neighbouring provinces and the Dakotas.
    Our symphony orchestra was formed in 1948 by the Civic Music League, comprised of 23 separate organizations. Now in its 53rd season, the WSO has a nucleus of 67 musicians and has earned a place among Canada’s major symphony orchestras. Among its many achievements is the highly successful New Music Festival.
    We are fortunate to have this wealth of talent and dedication in Manitoba. Moreover, the companies support each other’s artistic endeavours and performances and, collectively, offer Manitobans a variety of choices that is far greater than many larger centres enjoy.
    The richness of our artistic scene in Winnipeg surprises many visitors to our city.
    I still recall an article in The Globe and Mail in 1996 that raised more than a few eyebrows across Canada in reporting the results of a study by a Toronto consulting firm.
    The study found that, on a per-capita basis, Winnipeg has more performing arts activity than Toronto. It also suggested that " there may be no other city of comparable size in North America with as many large arts institutions..."
    It takes hard work, dedication, a passion for what you do, and the combined talents and support of many people ... your boards of directors, other volunteers, sponsors and countless professionals on both sides of the curtain. All of you bring your passion for the performing arts to your organizations...and each of you makes a very special contribution to their success.
    This reception gives me the opportunity as Lieutenant Governor to commend and thank you for the tremendous contribution you continue to make to the quality of life in Manitoba. Your efforts continue to re-shape how we are viewed by others, as well as how we see ourselves.
    Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to make our ballet, opera and symphony companies in Manitoba such a great success.
    Please enjoy this reception in your honour.
    Thank you.


答案 晚上好!我和雪莉很高兴欢迎大家来到这一具有历史意义的总督府,并主持为加拿大皇家温尼伯芭蕾舞团、马尼托巴歌剧团和温尼伯交响乐团举行的招待会。 董事会成员、管理方和艺术主管们,以及你们的前任都为超越马尼托巴之外的芭蕾、歌剧和交响乐方面的名声做出了贡献。 我们的首府在表演艺术方面具有悠久、辉煌而充满活力的历史。 你们的演出公司及其舞蹈家、歌唱家和音乐家在本省、全国和世界上享有盛誉,并荣获了无数项当之无愧的荣誉。 与那些意义深远的赞誉同样重要的是你们公司得到的来自热心公众的支持。 另一方面,这些成功并非从天而降。几十年来,志愿者、你们公司的专业人员与你们的艺术家携手奋进,创造了这些高水平的艺术精品和经久的成就。 我们世界级的芭蕾舞团创建于1939年,1953年荣获英皇的册封。它拥有两项殊荣:加拿大第一个芭蕾舞公司以及北美持续运作时间最长的芭蕾舞公司。除了在国内进行巡回演出外,她的足迹遍布全球。 歌剧协会成立于1969年。在最初的三年里,它邀请其他团体前来演出,直至1972年有了自己的作品。它是一个非常成功的创作和演出公司,吸引着来自马尼托巴全省以及邻近各省和美国南、北达科他州的歌剧爱好者们。 我们的交响乐团由“市民音乐联合会”建立于1948年。该联合会由23个独立的组织构成。正在举行第53季演出的威尼派交响乐团拥有67名核心音乐家,在加拿大主要的交响乐团中占有一席之地。它成就斐然,但非常成功的是其所举办的“新音乐节”。 我们为马尼托巴有如此众多而又乐于奉献的人才而感到荣幸。另外,各家公司在艺术努力和演出方面相互支持,共同为本地区提供了丰富的选择,其多样性超过了比我们的面积更大的中心地区。 许多光临温尼伯的人们都对其浓厚的艺术氛围惊叹不已。 我仍记得1996年刊登在《环球》和《邮报》的一篇使加拿大的很多人不快的文章。该文章报道了多伦多一家咨询公司的研究结果。 研究发现,按人均计算,温尼伯所拥有的表演艺术活动比多伦多多,并认为“在北美同等大小的城市中,再没有哪个城市拥有同样多的大型艺术机构……” 这些需要辛勤的工作、奉献精神、对所从事工作的热情、汇聚了很多人的才能和支持,其中包括你们董事们、其他志愿者、赞助商以及幕前幕后无数的专业人员。你们大家都将自己对表演艺术的热情带人各自的组织,每一位都为它们的成功做出了特殊的贡献。 这场招待会使我有机会以副总督的身份表彰和感谢你们为了提高马尼托巴省的生活质量一直以来所作出的巨大贡献。你们的努力继续改变着人们对我们以及我们对自己的看法。 向通过辛勤努力使得马尼托巴省的芭蕾、歌剧和交响乐获得如此成功的各位表示祝贺。 请享受特意为你们举办的招待会吧! 谢谢!

