北京烤鸭(Beijing Roast Duck)是北京名菜,也被誉为中国的一道“国菜”,在全世界享有盛誉。北京烤鸭用特殊的果木为燃料烤制而成,味道可口,营养十分丰富。中国人吃鸭的历史由来已久,北京烤鸭的历史最早可以追溯到元代。在明清时期,北京烤鸭只是宫廷食

admin2019-07-19  83

问题     北京烤鸭(Beijing Roast Duck)是北京名菜,也被誉为中国的一道“国菜”,在全世界享有盛誉。北京烤鸭用特殊的果木为燃料烤制而成,味道可口,营养十分丰富。中国人吃鸭的历史由来已久,北京烤鸭的历史最早可以追溯到元代。在明清时期,北京烤鸭只是宫廷食品(imperial dish),只有皇帝或统治阶层才能食用。后来北京烤鸭才逐渐出现在老百姓的日常饮食中,在北京有很多专做烤鸭的餐馆。如今,北京烤鸭已是中国家喻户晓的美食,备受国内外游客的喜爱。


答案Beijing Roast Duck, honored as a "national dish" of China, is a famous dish from Beijing, which enjoys a high reputation around the world. Roasted by using special fruitwood as fuel, Beijing Roast Duck is delicious and very nutritious. There has been a long history for the Chinese to eat ducks, and the history of Beijing Roast Duck can be traced back to as early as Yuan Dynasty. Beijing Roast Duck, served as an imperial dish, could only be eaten by emperors and ruling classes during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Over time it gradually becomes a daily meal for ordinary people and in Beijing there are many restaurants specializing in roast ducks. At present, Beijing Roast Duck, a delicious food almost known to every household in China, is favored by tourists from home and abroad.

解析 1.第一句话较长,出现三个谓语动词“是”、“被誉为”和“享有盛誉”。翻译时,将“也被誉为中国的一道‘国菜’”作插入语,“在全世界享有盛誉”则译为非限制性定语从句,“北京烤鸭是北京名菜”译为主句Beijing RoastDuck is a famous dish from Beijing,使句子更简洁。
3.“出现在老百姓的日常饮食中”即“成为老百姓的日常饮食”,译作become a daily meal for ordinarypeople,这样比直译更地道,符合英文表达习惯。
4.虽然“家喻户晓”在英文中有固定译法a household name,但因为汉语中有“美食”二字,故译文没有直接套用,而是用过去分词短语known to every household作后置定语修饰“美食”,使译文更自然流畅。
