①中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,美国是世界上最大的发达国家。②中美经贸关系既对两国意义重大,也对全球经济稳定和发展有着举足轻重的影响。 ③中美两国建交以来,双边经贸关系持续发展,利益交汇点不断增多,形成了紧密合作关系,不仅使两国共同获益,而且惠及全

admin2022-09-09  23

问题     ①中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,美国是世界上最大的发达国家。②中美经贸关系既对两国意义重大,也对全球经济稳定和发展有着举足轻重的影响。


答案 ①China is the world’s biggest developing country and the United States the biggest developed country. ②Trade and economic relations between China and the U.S. are of great significance for the two countries as well as for the stability and development of the world economy. ③Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral trade and economic ties between China and the U.S. have developed steadily. A close partnership has been forged under which interests of the two countries have become closer and wider. Both countries have benefited from this partnership, as has the rest of the world. ④Since the beginning of the new century in particular, alongside rapid progress in economic globalization, China and the U.S. have observed bilateral treaties and multilateral rules such as the WTO rules, and economic and trade relations have grown deeper and wider. Based on their comparative strengths and the choices of the market, the two countries have built up a mutually beneficial relationship featuring structural synergy and convergence of interests. ⑤Close cooperation and economic complementarity between China and the U.S. have boosted economic growth, industrial upgrading and structural optimization in both countries, and at the same time enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of global value chains, reduced production costs, offered greater product variety, and generated enormous benefit for businesses and consumers in both countries. ⑥China and the U.S. are at different stages of development. They have different economic systems. Therefore some level of trade friction is only natural. ⑦Each has made tremendous efforts to overcome all kinds of obstacles and move economic and trade relations forward, which has served as the ballast and propeller of the overall bilateral relationship.

解析     1.②句中“经贸关系”的“关系”不宜译为relationship。relationship和relation两词都指人或事物的关系,但relations更侧重于人和组织、组织与组织间较为正式的关系,且必须使用复数。因此,中美两国的正规经贸关系应使用relations。
    2.④句“结构高度互补、利益深度交融的互利共赢关系”中,“的”字前后存在两部分定语,且定语内容复杂。在翻译政府公文时,凡是遇到“……的XX关系”或“……的XX理念”一类修饰语较多的偏正短语,可在译文中灵活运用featuring,将定语分割为两部分。可译为a mutually beneficial relationship featuring structural synergy and convergence of interests.
    3.⑤句原文存在多个动宾分句,翻译时可进行结构转换,将“优势互补、互通有无”译为动宾分句的主语,如参考译文所示;Close cooperation and economic complementarity between…have boosted…and at the same time enhanced…,reduced…,offered…,and generated…也可顺句驱动,将“双方”看作动宾分句的语,将“优势互补、互通有无”调整为方式状语,即译为By close cooperation and economic complementarity,both countries have boosted…and at the same time enhanced…,reduced…,offered…,and generated…。
    4.⑥句除了参考译文的译法,还可将“中美丽国经济发展阶段、经济制度不同”用given(that)/considering引出,作为句子的条件状语,来修饰“(中美双方)存在经贸摩擦是正常的”这一主句,即译为Given that China and the U. S. are at different stages of development and have different economic systems,some level of trade friction is only natural between the two economies.
