A:我是新华社的记者。请问,作为乌干达的财政、计划与经济发展部的部长,您认为乌中两国的经济合作基础如何? B:Uganda is the fifth largest coffee producer in the world and its coffee s

admin2011-01-10  47

问题 A:我是新华社的记者。请问,作为乌干达的财政、计划与经济发展部的部长,您认为乌中两国的经济合作基础如何?
B:Uganda is the fifth largest coffee producer in the world and its coffee sector earns almost 60 percent of the country’s total foreign exchange revenue.China has a population of 1.3 billion.If each of them drinks a cup of Uganda’s coffee in a month,my country’s economy will be boosted greatly.
B:One month ago,a Ugandan company signed a contract with a Chinese company to set up a coffee shop in Beijing.Both sides agreed that if initial cooperation is successful,they will set up joint ventures to undertake both coffee production and processing in Uganda.
B:Besides the coffee industry,there are many other fields in which Uganda and China can cooperate,such as agriculture,mining,manufacturing,infrastructure,tourism and so on.China’s technology in some fields is suitable for Uganda’s conditions,for instance, its agriculture machinery can serve very well Uganda’s agriculture sector.The medium-and small-sized tractors made in China can also be used here for land cultivation and transportation.
B:Agriculture is the mainstay of Uganda’s economy,which contributes 45 percent of the country’s gross domestic product and 80 percent of its export revenue. However, only 8 million out of 40 million hectares of the arable land in the country have been cultivated so far. If China can help us cultivate 20 million hectares of the arable land, Uganda’s economy would stride forward by big steps.
B: On foreign investment in this country, Uganda is indeed a promising country to attract more investors who target Africa as their investment location. Uganda, located in East Africa, has become a bridge linking with Central Africa. In this region, there are some of Africa’s most economically stable and important countries. This location, at the heart of sub-Saharan Africa, gives Uganda commanding importance as a base for regional trade and investment. After years of economic reform, the country has achieved macroeconomic stability characterized by low inflation, stable exchange rates and consistently high economic growth. Uganda currently ranks as the fastest growing economy in sub-Saharan Africa.  Official statistics show that actual investment in Uganda’s agro- processing, manufacturing, energy, tourism, fisheries and many others have reached over 2 billion US dollars in the recent decade.  


答案A: I am a correspondent with Xinhua News Agency. My question is, as the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development of Uganda, what do you think of the foundation for the economic cooperation between Uganda and China? B:乌干达是世界上第五大咖啡生产国,其咖啡行业所赚取的外汇占了我们国家外汇总收入的60%。中国是一个拥有13亿人口的大国,假如每个中国人每月喝一杯乌干达生产的咖啡,我们国家的经济发展速度将大幅度提高。 A:Then what measures have been taken for the Sino-Ugandan trade in coffee? B:一个月前,一家乌干达公司与一家中国公司签署了一份合同,要在北京建立一家咖啡商店。双方一致认为,如果初期合作成功,他们将建立合资企业,在乌干达从事咖啡生产与咖啡加工。 A:With regard to the Sino-Ugandan economic cooperation,apart from the coffee industry, is there any other field in which the two countries can cooperate? B:除了咖啡行业外,仍有其他许多乌中两国能够合作的领域,如农业、采矿、制造业、基础建设、旅游业等。中国在某些领域里的技术很适合乌干达的国情,例如,中国的农业机械拿到乌干达的农业部门就很管用。中国制造的中小型拖拉机在我们国家既可用来耕作,也可用来运输。 A:Well,it seems that you pay much attention to the bilateral cooperation in agriculture. Would you please tell something about the development of Uganda’s agriculture? B:农业是乌干达经济的支柱,占其国内生产总值的45%,占其出口总收入的80%。可是到目前为止,在我们国家四千万公顷可耕土地中,只有八百万公顷得到了耕作。假如中国能帮助乌干达耕种两千万公顷可耕土地,那么乌干达的经济将会阔步前进。 A:In cooperation,what’s the condition that Uganda has for investment soliciting and other businesses? B:对那些想把非洲作为其投资目的地的商家来说,我们国家的确是一个理想的投资场所。乌干达地处东非,成了连接中非的桥梁。在这个地区,有非洲经济上最稳定、最重要的国家。地处撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲,乌干达作为区域贸易与投资的基地,拥有无比的优越条件。我们国家经过多年的经济改革,已取得了宏观经济的稳定,表现在通货膨胀率低、汇率稳定以及持续高速的经济发展。乌干达目前已成为撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲国家中经济发展最快的国家。官方统计数据显示,最近十年来,乌干达在农业加工、制造、能源、旅游、渔业以及其他方面的实际投资额超过了20亿美元。

解析    本文是一篇新华社记者和乌干达的财政、计划与经济发展部的部长关于中国和乌干达经济合作的对话。双方就乌中两国的经济合作基础、乌中咖啡贸易、其他合作领域,尤其是农业领域进行了交谈。本文要求应试者掌握一些经济、贸易?方面的基础知识和常用词汇。此外,应试者还需要在较短的时间内,理解、分析、简化或切分长难句,避免从句堆积;对于一些较为生僻的词汇,不能死译、硬译,而应该在理解的基础上意译;做交替传译时,在忠实原文意思的基础上,可以在结构上进行一些变化,以达到通顺的效果,同时,还应该注意上下文的衔接。
   1.新华社    Xinhua News Agency
   2.foreign exchange revenue    外汇收入
   3.gross domestic product    国内生产总值
   4.economic reform    经济改革
   5.inflation    通货膨胀
1.If each of them drinks a cup of Uganda’s coffee in a month,my country’s economy will be boosted greatly.
   原句句子结构分析如下:1)if引导的条件状语从句+主句;2)条件状语从句句子结构如下:(主语)each of them+(谓语)drinks+(宾语)a cup of coffee;3)主句句子结构如下:(主语)economy+(谓语)will be boosted;翻译时,需要进行语态转换,将主句中的被动语态转换为主动语态。
2.Both sides agreed that if initial cooperation is successful,they will set up joint ventures to undertake both coffee production and processing in Uganda.
   原句句子结构分析如下:1)(主语)both sides+(谓语)agreed+宾语从句;2)宾语从句的句子结构如下:if引导的条件状语从句+(主语)they+(谓语)will set up+(宾语)joint ventures。  “in Uganda”是宾语从句中的地点状语,需要前移,其他句子成分均采取顺译法。
3.The medium-and small-sized tractors made in China can also be used here for land cultivation and transportation.
   原句句子主干分析如下:(主语)tractors+(谓语)can be used;“made in China”是主语的后置定语,翻译时,需要前移,在译文中充当前置定语。
4.On foreign investment in this country,Uganda is indeed a promising country to attract more investors who target Africa as their investment location.
   原句句子主干分析如下:1)  (主语)Uganda+(谓语)is+(表语)a promising country+(后置定语)to attract more investors;2)“who target Africa as their investment location”是定语从句。翻译本句时,需要采取逆序法,将定语从句移至句首。
5.This location,at the heart of sub-Saharan Africa,gives Uganda commanding importance as a base for regional trade and investment.
   原句句子主干分析如下:1)  (主语)this location+(谓语)gives+(宾语) importance;2)“at the heart of sub-Saharan Africa”是主语的后置定语,翻译时,需要前置。
   1.sector    部门
   2.initial cooperation    初期合作
   3.mainstay    支柱
   4.export revenue    出口收入
   5.arable land    可耕土地
   6.investment location    投资场所
   7.Minister    部长
   8.Uganda    乌干达
   9.East Africa    东非
   10.sub-Saharan Africa    撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲国家
