1979年中美建交27年来,两国关系曾历经曲折,但总体上保持了稳定发展的大方向,给两国和两国人民带来了巨大利益。 进入21世纪,国际形势继续深刻变化,和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题,但不稳定不确定因素在增多,新挑战新威胁在增加。在新的国际形势下,中美

admin2019-04-11  96

问题    1979年中美建交27年来,两国关系曾历经曲折,但总体上保持了稳定发展的大方向,给两国和两国人民带来了巨大利益。


答案 In the twenty-seven years since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1979, China-U. S. relations have maintained steady momentum of growth despite twists and turns on the way, bringing tremendous benefits to both countries and peoples. Entering the 21st century, the world has continued to undergo profound changes. Peace and development remain the calling of our times. On the other hand, factors causing instability and uncertainty are increasing and new challenges and threats are looming. Against this backdrop, the common interests between our two countries are increasing and the areas of our cooperation widening. Global peace and security now face new challenges, such as fighting international terrorism, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, protecting the environment and human habitat and combating transnational crimes. And it is exactly in these fields that we share important strategic interests. China has a huge market and its development has generated strong demand, while the United States has advanced technology and high quality products. This has created e-normous opportunities for economic and technical cooperation between our two countries. Indeed, there is a broad prospect for the growth of constructive and cooperative China-U. S. relations in all fields.

