茶原产于中国。四千多年前,中国人就开始有饮茶的习惯了。唐代时,日本的僧人从中国引入茶种,与同样是引入的禅宗思想(Zen Buddhism)相结合,形成了闻名世界的日本茶道(Japanesetea ceremony)。17世纪时,荷兰人将中国人饮茶的习惯带到

admin2015-08-31  49

问题     茶原产于中国。四千多年前,中国人就开始有饮茶的习惯了。唐代时,日本的僧人从中国引入茶种,与同样是引入的禅宗思想(Zen Buddhism)相结合,形成了闻名世界的日本茶道(Japanesetea ceremony)。17世纪时,荷兰人将中国人饮茶的习惯带到欧洲,进而形成了欧洲人喝茶的传统,比如英国的下午茶。在19世纪之前,世界各地饮用的茶叶都来自中国,英文中茶叶的读音就是根据福建方言中茶的读音而来的。茶,是中国人对世界的重要贡献。


答案 Tea is originally produced in China. Ancient Chinese people formed a habit of drinking tea early in about 4 000 years ago. During the Tang Dynasty, Japanese monks introduced tea seeds to Japan, thus combined with Zen Buddhism which was also introduced to Japan, so the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony was created. In the 17th century, the Dutch businessmen took the Chinese habit of drinking tea to Europe, thus forming the European custom of drinking tea, such as afternoon tea in Britain. Before the 19th century, all the tea in the world was produced in China. The pronunciation of "tea" in English is derived from Fujian dialect. Tea is an important contribution made by the Chinese people to the world.

