Each new generation of students grows up (i)________the world of classical physics, with its mostly intuitive, billiard-ball cau

admin2022-10-11  48

问题 Each new generation of students grows up (i)________the world of classical physics, with its mostly intuitive, billiard-ball causality, that is the everyday vantage from which we approach the alien world of quantum physics, which has for this reason never lost its air of (ii)________.
Blank (i)        Blank (ii)
A. immersed in   D. verisimilitude
B. disdainful of E. objectivity
C. unmoved by    F. radicalism



解析 空格(i)所在的句子:每一代学生都是(i)________经典物理的世界中(the world of classical physics)长大的,这个世界有着熟悉、符合直觉而清晰的因果律(with its mostly intuitive,billiard-ball causality)。that引导的定语从句修饰causality,说这种因果律是一种普遍的优势(everyday vantage),之所以能成为日常的优势,就表明我们对此一定很熟悉,所以空格(i)填入的词应当体现出人们对于经典物理的熟悉,显然A项immersed in(沉浸在)最符合题意。which引导的定语从句修饰alien world of quantum physics。正是由于这个原因,量子力学的世界一直都给人一种(ii)________的印象。空格(ii)前的its指代对象是quantum physics,所以这里我们要寻找量子力学的属性,这里唯一的线索是前面修饰量子力学的形容词alien。因此空格(ii)要体现出alien的概念,符合推理的只有F项radicalism。
本试题收录于: GRE VERBAL题库GRE分类
