大学校长分文科出身和理科出身两类。文科出身的人轻易做不到这位子。做到了也不以为荣,准是干政治碰壁下野,仕而不优则学,借诗书之泽,弦诵之声来休养身心。 理科出身的人呢,就全然不同了。中国是世界上最提倡科学的国家,没有旁的国家肯这样给科学家大官做的。外国

admin2014-06-02  56

问题    大学校长分文科出身和理科出身两类。文科出身的人轻易做不到这位子。做到了也不以为荣,准是干政治碰壁下野,仕而不优则学,借诗书之泽,弦诵之声来休养身心。


答案 University presidents fall into two categories—those from the liberal arts and those from the natural sciences. Those from liberal arts rarely accede to this position. Even they do they don’t look upon it as an honor, either. They probably come to it after having been turned out of public office. Failing as an official, they turn to scholarly pursuits, cultivating mind and body with the teachings of the classics and the sounds of music and chanting. For those from the natural sciences, the situation is quite different. China is the greatest science promoter country in the world; no other governmental body is so willing to offer high posts for scientists. As western science moves forward, Chinese scientists move upward. In the foreign countries, learnings devoted to the study of human relations and to the study of nature’s laws have always been kept. In China, however, provided one have a knowledge of hydroelectrics, civil engineering, mechanics, plant and animal technology, and soon, he is able to run public affairs and govern people.

