主席先生、秘书长、各位同事: 我很高兴作为中国国家主席习近平的特使参加这次联合国气候峰会。中国政府赞赏潘基文秘书长倡议召开此次峰会,相信峰会将对全球合作应对气候变化进程产生积极作用。中国愿与国际社会一道,积极应对气候变化的严峻挑战。 中国高

admin2018-07-31  61

问题     主席先生、秘书长、各位同事:
    中国高度重视应对气候变化。中国国家主席习近平指出,应对气候变化是中国可持续发展的内在要求,也是负责任大国应尽的国.际义务,这不是别人要我们做,而是我们自己要做。中国在发展中国家最早制定实施应对气候变化的国家方案,近期又出台《国家应对气候变化规划》,确保实现2020年碳排放强度比2005年下降40%一45%的目标。中国致力于积极推进节能减排、低碳发展和生态建设。2013年与2005年相比,中国碳排放强度下降28.5%,相当于少排放二氧化碳25亿吨。2006—2013年,中国淘汰落后火电机组9482万千瓦、炼钢产能1.17亿吨、炼铁产能1.65亿吨、水泥产能8.57亿吨。据世界银行报告,1991一2010年中国累计节能量占全球的58%。2013年中国可再生能源发电装机容量占全球的24%,与2005年相比,水电、风电、太阳能发电装机容量分别增长2倍、60倍和280倍。森林蓄积量比2005年增加20亿立方米,人工林保存面积居世界第一。中国出台实施大气污染防治行动计划,在发展中国家率先监测和控制空气污染物PM 2.5。


答案 Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Dear Colleagues, It is a great pleasure to attend the UN Climate Summit as the special envoy of President Xi Jinping of China. The Chinese government appreciates the initiative of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of convening the summit and believes that the summit will play a positive role in the process of global cooperation on climate change. China is ready to work with the international community to actively tackle the grave challenge of climate change. China attaches high importance to addressing climate change. As Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out, responding to climate change is what China needs to do to achieve sustainable development at home as well as to fulfill its due international obligation as a responsible major country. This is not at others’ request but on our own initiative. China was the first among developing countries to formulate and implement a national climate change program. Recently, we adopted The National Plan On Climate change to make sure we will meet the target of cutting carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent by 2020 from the 2005 level. We are committed to taking proactive steps to promote energy conservation, emissions reduction, low-carbon development and ecological progress. In 2013, carbon intensity in China was down by 28. 5percent from the 2005 level. That was equivalent to a reduction of 2. 5 billion tons of CO2 emissions. Between 2006 and 2013, we made obsolete a huge amount of backward production capacity, including 94. 82 million kilowatts in thermal power, 117 million tons in steel, 165 million tons in iron and 857 million tons in cement. According to a World Bank report, China contributed 58 percent of all the energy saved globally between 1991 and 2010. In 2013, the installed renewable power capacity in China accounted for 24 percent of the world total. Compared with 2005, China’s installed capacity of hydro, wind and solar power increased by two folds, 60 folds and 280 folds respectively. The forest stock in China grew by 2 billion cubic meters over that of 2005, and China’s preserved area of plantation was the largest in the world. China has also adopted the action plan for the prevention and control of air pollution, and it is the first among developing countries to monitor and control the air pollutant PM2. 5. China, a developing country with 1.3 billion people, faces a daunting task of growing the economy, improving people’s lives and protecting the environment. As a responsible major country, China will make greater effort to more effectively address climate change and take on international responsibilities that are commensurate with its national conditions, stage of development and actual capabilities. We will announce post-2020 actions on climate change as soon as we can, which will bring about marked progress in reducing carbon intensity, increasing the share of non-fossil fuels and raising the forest stock, as well as the peaking of total CO2 emissions as early as possible. China will advance a revolution in energy production and consumption, cap total energy consumption, raise energy efficiency and vigorously develop non-fossil fuels. We will step up efforts against air pollution, promote ecological progress, establish a carbon trading market at a faster pace, intensify technological innovation and raise public awareness of green and low-carbon development. By so doing, China will blaze a path of sustainable development that leads to both economic growth and effective tackling of climate change. China will work hard to promote South-South cooperation on climate change. I wish to announce here that starting next year, China will double its annual financial support for the establishment of the South-South Cooperation Fund on Climate Change. In addition, China will provide six million US dollars to support the UN Secretary-General in advancing South-South cooperation on climate change.

